SIde Story - The Flame Mistress and the Divine Beast 3/3

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The end of a journey and farewell with your companions. In her entire life Shizu had been through this situation dozens if not hundreds of times, but this was the third time she had been through it this way.

The first time was when she was still with the heroine's group, a group that welcomed and cared for her for years, teaching her many of the things she knew. She was still young then, and when they told her she couldn't follow where they were going she couldn't question it. They did a lot of dangerous missions, and she understood that she wasn't close to their level at that time.

Still, watching them leave and not return was painful. They just disappeared, with most people who saw them not returning starting to spread rumors that the heroine's group had died. She denied it, they were too strong to die so easily against monsters, but even she had to give up after a while.

And then your students...

Of course, they were alive, she could see them at any time, but when she left Ingracia to undertake this journey, Shizu didn't believe that she was really able to come back alive. She hoped, somehow, that she could save the children's lives, but she didn't know if it would really be possible for her to complete the journey, at least at that time.

And then, she met Rimuru.

Rimuru saved her life, freed her from her curse by imprisoning Ifrit inside himself, and he even made her realize that she still had people in this world who counted on her, and that because of that she couldn't allow herself to die so soon. easily. Perhaps Rimuru saw and experienced something similar? She wouldn't know, he probably wouldn't tell, but she felt he understood.

Rimuru, in a short time, became an important person for her as well.

She cared for him, partly as she cared for the students she had left behind in Ingracia, who largely depended on her, and partly as someone different. Rimuru was young, just like Hinata and Yuuki he seemed to be just a child from Shizu's point of view, at least in terms of age.

And, of course, Shizu knew that Rimuru had created a "crush" in her, as it had with Yuuki.

Still, Rimuru was... different. Maybe it's because Rimuru didn't depend on Shizu even for a second, maybe because of the strong determination he had, even if it was for something stupid or simply because he gave her a little peace of mind, as if she was at home every time she approaches him.

Shizu didn't understand why, but she didn't feel about Rimuru the same way she did when Yuuki liked her.

But now it was too late.

Seven days had passed since they had started their journey and they had finally reached the edge of the Great Forest of Jura. Rimuru, at the moment, had started to run through the desert beyond the forest, the territory of the Country of Orcs, helping her to go to the country that was just beyond.

The Land of Harpies, Fulbrosia.

"You know the basics of flying now. Practice a little more, just in case, but taking into account your current strength and the fact that you are capable of flight, then Demon Lord Frey will probably want to hire you."

Rimuru spoke through his [Thought Transmission], that's because he was running at a speed at which they really couldn't hear anything that was said. She, of course, was already happy enough that he was talking to her, something he only did after she defeated the Fire Dragon.

And I have to admit... I like that he's worried about me.

Shizu thought this, trying to hide her flushed face. Since Rimuru had saved her life, her body had reverted to her sixteen years old in many ways and she felt as immature as some of her disciples. It was really like she was experiencing the things she hadn't experienced the first time around, by constantly fighting for Demon Lord Leon Cronwell or alongside the heroine's group.

And honestly, she hated that she was experiencing these teenage emotions that didn't match her real age at all, even though they were perfect for her appearance.

"Rimuru... You... You-"

"Let's finish this way!!" Rimuru stopped running as soon as he mentally shouted that, which interrupted Shizu's words. She sensed that there was a bit of anger in her voice, so it's likely he knew what she was about to say. "Here is where we parted ways."

Shizu followed Rimuru's words, grabbed her things and got off Rimuru's back, ready to continue her journey. Her countenance had changed a little, she was a little more downcast, but she was still smiling.

She was the oldest so she must also be the more mature person between the two of them, something she hadn't done much recently.

"Rimuru. Thank you for helping me. You have greatly advanced my journey and helped me on my journey. If I can do anything to thank you..."

"Hahahaha... Never say 'anything' to a teenager. You might regret it." Shizu's eyes widened as she understood the meaning of those words from Rimuru, and felt his face turn red once more. After all, was he capable of finding evil in anything she said?! "Anyway...just save those kids, okay? That and give Demon Lord Leon Cronwell a nice punch in the face. That bastard pissed me off."

Rimuru was about to run back into the forest when he suddenly stopped and turned towards Shizu, watching her and her downcast face for a few seconds. A small spark of guilt ignited in Rimuru's heart, but that was only for a second, recovering soon after.

"Oh, also... See if you stop by Tempest every now and then. Just so I don't get homesick."

That was all Rimuru said before turning around once more and running at full speed, racing across the desert plains. He was heading towards the forest, back to where they had seen one of the orcs from the nearby country, but Shizu couldn't care less about that at the moment.

She just couldn't stop smiling... knowing that Rimuru still wanted her around. 

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