01 - Slime

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The place I was standing was covered in darkness, preventing me from seeing any shape or figure even if it was in front of me. Where am I? Also, what happened to me? I had heard a voice mocking me, calling me a sage... no, was it a great sage? I'm not old enough to be that yet, and I refuse to become such a pitiful person. Did they call me unholy? I couldn't even do something considered wrong at my age!!

Oh, I remembered!

My name is Mikami Satoru, a 17-year-old high school otaku, and just another average kid who's nice to everyone else. While saving my Kouhai, Tamura, from being stabbed by a street thief I ended up getting stabbed in his place and... after that, I don't really remember what happened. Okay, I remembered everything, there's no reason to panic.

Trying to look around again, I noticed that... I can't open my eyes. That aside, when I tried to touch my head... my arms didn't respond. And what baffled me even more was the fact that I couldn't even tell where my head was in the first place, even if I tried to feel it.

Alright, now it's time to panic! I mean, I'm in pretty trouble here, aren't I? What the hell happened to me? Maybe... it might be a little late to think about it now... I focused on whatever kind of sensation I might be feeling, just to confirm my state. Even though I've been stabbed, incredibly, I don't feel pain or discomfort, and I also don't feel hot or cold like I was before.

The next thing I should check was my extremities, starting with the... Forget my fingers, I can't move or feel a single muscle in my entire body. How could this happen? A person can't lose their arms and legs just because of a stab wound... so what? On top of that, without being able to open my eyes, I was trapped in endless darkness, with no way of knowing what was happening. It filled me with dread and unease for the worst case scenario... Could I be in a coma? I have consciousness but I can't move or access my senses?

No, no, no!!! Let this not be the truth, please! I would rather lose half my body instead. Of course, both are bad, but at least I wouldn't be trapped inside the darkness forever like... I'm trapped in hell!!

Now, the panic I felt had turned to despair. Nothing else waits for me but to go crazy little by little, until my life on this earth ends. Aah, I'm so-


I felt that something is touching my body.

Hmm~... What could that be?

I felt like something was touching the base of my stomach, moving slightly at the contact. Paying close attention, I could feel that what had touched me was grass, or at least it looked a lot like it. Also, when I tried to move, I could feel my body slide lightly across a rough, porous surface - something like a rock.

It's a strange feeling, for sure, and that feeling told me I wasn't inside a hospital, but still, I was glad about it. I mean, at least, even trapped inside this tremendous darkness, I had one of my five senses with me.

My eyes don't open, so I have no vision. I can't hear any sound either. Deafness? Possible, but I was starting to question another possibility, which is, of course, because I was also unable to smell any air. Without three of the five human senses, and considering that my body felt strangely... round and streamlined, I couldn't help but think of a slightly more unusual, almost childlike possibility.

That's it, isn't it? The so-called "reincarnation"? I mean, there's no way this body could be human. I could feel my body swaying slightly like waves when I tried to move, something a consistent human body shouldn't be able to do. Still, it was one hundred percent compatible with that famous monster that plagues all fantasy stories and role-playing games - the Slime.

A slime?! Is this serious?!!! Am I some kind of joke to you reincarnation gods???

Of course, I didn't know if there was really any god of reincarnation behind this subject, it was just something I had seen in a manga; a guy being sent to another world by a god who had made a mistake. Still, that doesn't mean that was my case. Besides, I don't even believe in gods... Well, maybe I'll find one if I'm really in another world, but that'll take care of when I find him. Who knows, maybe even punch him in revenge?

That Time I Got Reencarnated as a Demon Lord (English)Where stories live. Discover now