Anna made Ivan's favorite foods, which got her some Alpha tears after he admitted how much he missed her cooking after that despicable hospital food. William coddled his baby to the point Lucas had to physically pull him away from him. Well, truth to be told, he pulled Will away so he could coddle him now, it was his turn. Ivan was smothered to suffocation that day and it made him remember all the times he had to endure this treatment as a kid. He shuddered at the thought and pushed Lucas away saying 'I'm not a kid anymore'. Everyone laughed at the scene and started eating. The food was amazing as always and they made small talk at the table, leaving out all the depressing information for later. Karter, Alex, and Killian passed glances throughout the meal and kept an eye on Ivan. 

After dinner, they all sat around drinking and enjoying each other's company. They were celebrating the fact that everyone was healthy and safe. Karter and Ivan cuddled on a loveseat while Kill and Alex fought over if the Beta said 'Uno' or not. They were the last ones remaining in the game and to Alex's misfortune, Ivan confirmed that he most definitely didn't say 'Uno', to which Killian fist-bumped the air and put his last card down. The game ended with Alex calling Killian 'Sir' for the next two days. After the evening ended, Sofia helped Karter wash dishes while everyone cleaned up the house. They took down all the decorations and cleared the living room as it was before. Everyone bade goodbye to the couple and Sofia. She excused herself and went to her room. 

"Come on, let's go to our room too." Ivan motioned Karter to help him up and he happily obliged. They took the stairs, which the Alpha was dreading all night, but with his mate by his side, he didn't mind it too much. As a cheeky move, Ivan put almost all of his weight on his mate. Knowing this, Karter didn't even flinch and supported him to their room. Ivan seemed surprised, to which the Omega gave him a wink. 

"As much as I want you to rest, I have to get rid of this smell from your body if I want to sleep tonight," Karter said as he brought over a big bowl filled with soapy water and a piece of cloth. He added some unscented oils that Ivan loved, while the Alpha stared at him.  

"Do I stink that much?" Ivan asked as he started to sniff around his body. He made a disgusted face when he realized his mate was right. He stank of medications and antiseptics. He happily obliged his mate to clean him. 

"I can do this myself baby, you must be tired." The Alpha said and kissed his hair. Karter continued with his task without even considering his offer.

"No way, I want to do it. It's been a while since I have touched you like this. Let me have my fill." He smiled and worked his mate's body washing with clean water next. Ivan felt refreshed, thankful that his mate was so thoughtful. Karter took a small shower and joined Ivan in bed.

"Do you want me to bring your pills?" He asked as he went to lie down but stopped. 

"No, I don't feel any pain right now. Come back here." Ivan said as he pulled his arm and the Omega fell. Ivan winched when he fell on his bad leg. Karter gasped.

"Ivan! What the hell!" He suddenly got up and started inspecting his leg. Ivan sat there in surprise. Was this the first time his mate yelled at him like that? He was stunned.

"What if you hurt yourself? The doctors said to be careful." His eyes widened as he fretted over Ivan. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay, love. I'm okay. It didn't hurt. I'm sorry, okay? Come here." He pulled him up gently this time and placed the Omega's head on his chest. He patted his head and tried to comfort him. Karter relaxed and knew he was overreacting. 

Karter lay down on Ivan and released a sigh. He knew he had to get it over with but wanted to wait as well. He was conflicted. 

"Van... tomorrow, I have to tell you something. I think we'll need to go to the office to have a meeting. Do you think you'll be up for it?" Karter hesitated but Ivan laughed. 

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