Devotion (Final Part)/Future Plans?

Start from the beginning

"You know any good prayers?" Buddy asks

"Come on, we've seen worse than this. You want a prayer? 'Dear God, send us some angels'" Peters says

Scene changes to the sky, we see the Corsair's flying

"And they shall come" Richelieu says with a smile as Jean Bart sighs

(Prayers don't work.. right? 'God' doesn't even respond) Jean Bart thought

The corsair's dive towards the battlefield, Peters and Buddy prepare to fire back but some explosions happen in the Emperinese side. They look up to see the Corsair's flying, they're launching their rockets and shooting bullets.

More Corsair's come in as the men cheer. They take aim on their prey and take them down.

Most of the shipgirls cheer

"Come on! We can't let the fly boys take all the credit!" Peters yells as the men begin to charge from the trenches.

There is still machine gun fire but the men manage to get into safe spots. It continues for a while until it focuses another Corsair is shown with Jesse inside. Jesse looks towards Buddy as he looks back, Jesse fires his rockets and the machine gun is silenced

"You see that? We got a Ne*ro pilot!" A black soldier yells as he runs past by.

"Let's go" Peters says to Buddy who was stunned as they advance with the other soldiers

"I hope he regrets it, because I swear if he doesn't" Essex says

The scene continues with the Corsair's with the Dragon Empery troops retreating

"Looks like we got the Emperinese running. Let's get a closer look boys, rendezvous on me" Leyte says as she is shown in a Corsair as the planes fly by, but some Dragon Empery troops notice them and begin trying to shoot them down. Of course they all miss

"211's got a streamer. Think you're losing fuel" Marty says as Jesse's plane is shown. His right wing is shown to have some smoke going out of it. Jesse looks at it

"He's not going to fly for much longer.." Ticonderoga says

"It's probably from the machine gun or one of those troops from earlier..." Prince of Wales says

"It's not fuel. She's bleeding oil, she's not staying up in the air much longer." Jesse states as gloomy music starts to play

"Let's climb, find a place to put her down" Tom says as they both start to fly upwards

"Take her down nice and easy Jesse." Tom says as they fly for a while looking for someplace to land

"Jesse at your ten. It could work." Tom says as they look at little northwest to see some flat space

"Eyes on it" Jesse says as they begin to turn

"Flight lead, I'm following him down" Tom says

"Copy that, we'll keep an eye on you. Switching radio to Search and Rescue" Cevoli says

Scene back to Jesse and Tom

"Checklist?" Tom asks

"Go ahead" Jesse replies

"Salvo rockets" Tom says as Jesse launches them

"Release drop tanks" Tom says as Jesse makes the plane drop them

"Canopy back and locked" Tom says as Jesse backs up the window, but something happens in the process which causes the rotor to stop

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