Drew 꽃(flower)

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TW: Curses, mentions of suicide, and mentions of major death

Drew knew that he would have to leave. He grabbed his laptop and quickly powered it on, typing nearest flight to... nearest flight to where? He let out a frustrated sigh, his knees jiggling with anxiety. He had to leave within 24 hours, that was the max time before his results would be processed and then the whole community would know, and then he would be hounded by everyone or the worst case scenario, taken to a breeding facility. He closed his eyes and thought. "Where would I be able to go, and no one would find me?" Then his eyes snapped open. He quickly typed in Ania, North Dakota. He had gone there, years ago on a family trip, and remembered that the guide there said that people who lived here were usually people in the older population, just looking for a quiet place to live with no distractions. Which was exactly what he needed. Drew let out a relieved sigh. He would have to make a lot of stops along the way, after all, it wasn't like North Dakota would have huge  airports, but that was fine. He booked the tickets and shut down the laptop. He took a second to breathe, but then thoughts of doubt and humiliation began to whisper at the back of his head. He shook his head and quickly headed to his closet. He took out a black suitcase, one that would hold enough of his things. He began to pack methodically, he knew that he could buy many of the things he had here in North Dakota, so he just pack minimal clothing. Underclothes, a few favorite shirts and jeans, and his pajamas. He could have taken more, but it was better to pack lightly and leave space for his electronics and some keepsakes. He stopped, actually, he would probably need to get a new phone and laptop there, and leave the rest here. "Fuck", he groaned. Thank god he had graduated early and so for the last semester of high school he worked a number of jobs. He had solid money in his own account, which he now had to delete and would have to transfer the money to a new account. A surge of anger overtook him, a scream building in the back of his throat, but he held it in and pushed it down. After all, it was two in the morning and he didn't think that his next door neighbors would appreciate him screaming like a madman. He opted for a slew of curse words before he began to pack again. Small keepsakes like his father's watch, and small family album he had gotten from his aunt at Christmas, his first swimming medals, and his first football, now a deflated, dirty thing. He smiled at the things inside his suitcase before his thoughts turned bitter. He would never be able to play sports like that, not after people would know that he was a pure..omega. Whispers began to creep up his head, he remembers how those omegas were treated. Reports on the news of prostitution rings, or the deaths of pure omegas from facilities in the hundreds, and suicides in front of whole communities. He felt his eyes burn and quickly pressed his cold fingers against them. No, he would survive. He would live and then die without anyone ever hearing anything from him again. It wasn't like he was famous, and both of his parents, now divorced, rarely saw him. He took in deep breaths as his eyes cleared and a new determination swelled in his chest. Yes, he would go and everyone would forget him. After all, Drew might have been a star athlete in high school, but in the end he was another nobody.

<333 Have run reading angels~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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