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This is a MMMMM book, set in a verse where people are born with a strain of animal DNA within them. Those animals are separated, and then further divided into True Alpha/ Alpha/ Delta/ Beta / Pure Omega /Omega.
The reason only alphas and omegas are separated into pure and regular is because they are total opposites, and yet the most compatible. Pure alphas/ omegas are extremely rare and sought after. Those of the same species used to live together in small groups, but as years passed species began to intermingle and huge communities developed, with pacts and contracts made between them. However, some communities were crueler than others in their pursuit of rouges and ferals. One group in particular, Bloodshade, made up of apex predators, ruthless in their deals with other communities and handling of foreign entities... they were feared and awed, those who were in were mostly pure alphas and their deltas, betas to help ease tensions and omegas that were the members' wives or husbands. Bloodshade is run by four pure alphas, all apex predators of lion, tiger, wolf, and shark. Each had their own skill, their own deadliness, and their own attractiveness. They confirmed they were mates, but we're waiting for their fifth, their final to complete them...

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