He feet dragged, and his vision swam with the pain, the hand on his side was sticky and wet with blood. He was trying to pressure the wound, but it didn't work, or maybe it did, and Ranboo was too lightheaded to know.

He refused to sit down, knowing it would hurt to stand up, and continued the long walk home.

He shook the cloudiness out of his head, pushing away the pain, more focused on staying upright and not getting lost, than the pain.

Eventually he made it to the building, and dragged his way up the stairs. Tubbo met him by the door, brows knit down and he was talking, but Ranboo didn't know what it was about.

He was being shook, and ow that hurt his head, and his side, maybe the blood had finally stopped or maybe he was dreaming. Tubbo was talking, but the words never lined up with his mouth.

He was shaken again, and he whined, because that hurt his head and his mind wasn't working.

Firey fingers worked around him, burning like the sun, dancing over his face and his side. There was a sad trill. And Ranboo immediately responded with a warble to reassure the avian.

At some point, the delirium and tiredness, caught up to him, and he passed out. The night going past as his brain did cartwheels.

Eyes looking up in defeat, hesitate, and become pinned.

Never waiver, go for the kill.

Has the other in a chokehold, much stronger even though he's bigger. Tail blade plunging into the heart, the sickening crack of ribs being broken

Never waiver, monster, horrible person.

Cheek being scratched on the cool floor. Someone's hand pinning his head down.

What did he do to deserve this? He didn't speak, didn't do anything wrong.

A boot came down with a sickening crack, dark turquoise running down his face and sticky in his hair.

Tommy was shrieking and writhing in pain as a challenger pinned him, stabbing him again and again.

The boy finally fell limp, his wings askew, and unmoving. The crowd cheered, and all Ranboo could do was watch.

"Take the thing away." Someone grumbled, and he was shoved brutally, focusing everything on not falling, his hands bound behind his back.

Ranboo's dirty hair fell into his face as he was shoved again, keeling and then having his face lifted by his hair. He missed when it was by his horns, much less painful, but ah well, he'd get used to it.

He was hiding in an alley, hoping his younger brothers stayed out of sight.


Death hanging over their heads as they walked down dark halls.

If you're caught, you'll never get away.

Prized possessions, means a lot.

There were hundreds of people, all dressed in black, marching towards him and his brothers, holding cuffs and whips, they were surrounded, and had no choice.

Back to no freedoms, to escorts down dark halls, to fighting for your lives, to watching others collapse under your h̶a̶n̶d̶s̶ claws.

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