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We were all talking in DADA when Snape enters. He flicks is hand and all the light gets sucked out of the room. "Turn to page 394" He says boredly.

"Excuse me sir, where's Professor Lupin?" Harry interrogates.

"That's not really of your concern Potter, is it? It finds that Professor Lupin is incapable to teach at this very time...Turn to page 394."

We all turn to the page to find its werewolves. Draco leans forward, I'm in front of him.

"Why are we learning about werewolves?" He whispers.

"I don't know ask him" I gesture to Professor Snape.

"Werewolves!" Ron shudders.

Hermione snaps her around to look at Snape. "But sir, we only just finished learning about Redcaps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to be learning about this for weeks."

"Quiet! Now can anyone tell me the difference between and a werewolf and an Animagus? No one?"

Hermione responds but Snape insults with being and insufferable know it all. Draco makes a werewolf sound, laughing. "Thank you... Mr Malfoy. Now you will write 2 parchments about werewolves and hand it in tomorrow." 

"But it's Quidditch tomorrow" Harry protests.

Draco writes something on a piece of paper and flies it to Harry. I couldn't see the drawing, but it didn't seem nice... probably about Quidditch.


"Ok so the chasers you can go with Montague. He's already on the team." All of the participants that were trying for chaser followed Montague. 

We were at the Quidditch pitch trying out for the team. "Ok so were going to go in pairs and warm up by throwing the Quaffle to each other." Montague pairs us up, but I was the only one left so Montague decided to go with me. 

We went into the air and start to throw the ball around. "Hey sorry for asking you out" he said to me.

"It's all good. Like I said next year!" We smile.

The keepers were going to stop the Quaffles coming through the 3 hoops. We had 5 turns to get them all in. It was my turn, and I was last. I get them all in. I fly around to face all the others. Montague winks at me and I laugh. We fly to the ground to listen to the final team. I was confident. 

"Ok so the seeker is Draco Malfoy, he isn't here today. He can't play with is arm, but the reserve is Ryan Harper. The Keeper is me, obviously the volunteers helped with the try-outs. The beaters are Crabbe and Goyle. And the chasers are Montague, Adrian and 'Mini Pucey', the reserve is Warrington." The people who didn't get chosen, grumbled and they filed out. 

"Always knew 'Mini Pucey' would get on the team" Montague smirks.

"If you say that again I will kill you in your sleep" I glare. 


Hermione, Harry, Ron and I were in library talking about Buckbeaks execution. "They seriously can't do that" Hermione complains "I'm going to try to look into it, but I don't know what I can do."

I sigh and rub my temples "Mione sometimes you can't help."

"No! I want to. I feel really bad for Hagrid" Hermione stands up.

"Well... I don't know what to do. Sometimes you have to let animals go."

 I don't know what to say. I'm just trying to make the tension lift and damn it's hard. I walk away, not really wanting to care about the situation. I like Hagrid but you shouldn't show 3rd years a dangerous animal. Especially when Draco Malfoy is in the class. 

I have Astronomy next, so I collect my stuff and head to the tower. A person follows after me, they seem to be... I turn my head around to find the person gone. A voice whispers in my ear. "Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at 1:00am" The person walks off; I didn't know anyone with that voice and there shorter. They had their hood over their head.

 I was utterly confused as I sat down at one of the tables. We were studying star charts; I try to get in a listening mindset. Draco sits next to me, normally Daphne would but apparently not today. Daphne comes up to our table.

"Hey, get out of my chair" She asks Draco, crossing her arms.


"No?" Daphne was not one to be crossed with when she was angry. This would not be good.

"Yes, that's what I said" Draco makes a sickly-sweet smile at Daph.

"Nope. Get out of my chair. I will hex you to 4th year" Daphne was angry now. Draco huffs and walks over to Blaise. Daph smiles and sits down gracefully.

"Now this is out time to talk. You've been distant lately to the group. What's happening? Are we not nice enough for you?" Daph crosses her arms.

"No that's not the case. I've got a lot going on, that's all." I smile.

Daph nods not admitting that what I said was true. Her face gives away everything. I just don't want to talk about stuff that is not important to them.

I haven't told them that I have friends at Beauxbatons and that I have secrets there. They will never know of course. I do trust them, but they just don't need to know. Also, that Sirius Black talked to me. That I like Montague except the girls know about that. We have talks like every night. I just need to calm down. It's not a big deal anyway. Some people have it harder than me. Like Harry is Voldemort's enemy. Draco has daddy issues. I chuckle, I probably shouldn't think about that.

"Miss Pucey, would you kindly tell us what you were laughing at?" Professor Sinistra interrogates.

I clear my throat "I just thought of something that happened at my old school."

Professor Sinistra has a tight-lipped smile "Well pay more attention" I nod my head. That was a close one.

Daphne frowns at me and glares slightly. What did I ever do to her? I make a confused face at her. "We need to talk" She emphasizes need.

I guess she knows I'm lying when I say I'm fine and I don't have a lot going on. Well, I do actually. "Ok, fine. We'll talk in the dorm" I whisper back.

Then I need to go to the Astronomy Tower at 1:00. What the hell did that person want?

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