After a couple of seconds, I let out a loud sigh before catching another glance at his face, gauging his expression to see if he's messing with me. I look down and quietly sigh as I find not even a single hint to tell me that he is being sarcastic. He's not joking. He's actually serious. "Listen, Shoto. I am really tired, but I am still going toto try to say this in the nicest way I possibly can." I explain to him. "Go home and stop following me. What you did was extremely stupid and should never be repeated." I tell him with a small growl which subconsciously seemed to come out before turning away from him and walking in the opposite direction.

I've got three hours left till my next patrol, which we be in an extremely crime filled area, so I can't be wasting time like this.  I have to find a place to eat and get back as much energy as possible for later. Just before I could get any far though, Shoto quickly caught up to me and grabbed my wrist. "Lily. Wait." He calls out while keeping a firm grip on my wrist.

I turn towards him, still very pissed at his action. "What?" I growl. 

I'm hungry, I'm tired, and I'm pissed off. This is never good combination. Ever. I watched as Shoto's face continued to remain serious, as if this whole situation was not ridiculous. "At least let me take you out for some food. You burned up a lot of energy right? That means you'll be looking for food soon. Let's go out to eat together." He comments as a pitiful, almost pleading expression which almost resembled a lost puppy, came onto the boy's face. "Plus, it'd give us some time to spend with each other. Training camp is not coming soon enough and these patrols are taking up all of your time. I miss spending time with you." He adds, looking down with  a small embarrassed blush.

I let out a quiet a sigh, already knowing where this was going. How am I supposed to turn him down when he wears such an adorable expression like that on his face? "Fine. You win. Just make sure we're finished within the next three hours because my next patrol begins at seven." I answer.

At hearing my answer, my boyfriend immediately perked his head up before turning towards me and nodding with a small smile on his face. "Seven. Got it. That's more than enough time to eat together." He comments. 

I look toward him and nod. "So, where we going? I have a patrol in an area with one of the highest crime rates in all of Japan that starts in three hours and I'm starving from the last one." I say.

My upcoming patrol is at night and in a very populated area in Tokyo so that means I have to build my strength back up since there will most definitely be lots of crime. Shoto looked down at me and gently nods as we began to walk in a direction with our hands intertwined. "There's a nice restaurant a couple of minutes away from here. It's kind of exclusive, but I've always thought it would be a nice place to take you." He explains before sending me a strange look. "Though, I think we should probably stop somewhere and get you a different change of clothes that you can change into." He comments while gazing at my hero costume, which I am still wearing.

I look towards him and gently shake my head. "There's no need." I boredly tell him, causing him to turn towards me in confusion. For someone who's a large fan of mind, he really forgets the abilities of my quirks. Before Shoto could say anything, I suddenly let go of his hand and activated my teleportation quirk on my clothes, teleporting my hero costume off and a pair of blue jeans and a white off the shoulder shirt on complimented with a pair of black converse in its place. "Is this good?" I ask while gently taking the braid I had my hair in out and letting my hair become loose. 

I gently turned my head toward my dual haired boyfriend to see him staring at me with wide, fascinated eyes. "Wow." I hear him softly mutter under his breath before lightly shaking his head and looking back at me with slight calmer though still obviously surprised expression. "I forgot you could do that with your quirk." He comments.

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