Two Heroes: The Movie Part 2

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Elementa POV

I look over to see Ochacko standing behind Izuku, having yet to acknowledge me. Huh? Ochako's here? I wonder who else from the class is here? I expected to see three or four other people, besides Izuku, from our class, but she was not someone I was expecting. I glance over to her face and immediately notice her half-dead and majorly jealous expression. Izuku quickly turns toward her in shock. "Uraraka!?!? What are you doing here?" He asks, his voice a couple of octaves higher than normal.

I look at the scene playing in front of me and lightly chuckle, deciding not to out myself yet. Heh. It seems someone is jealous. "It looks like you're having fun." Ochako repeats in a robotic tone.

Izuku looks toward her in shock as she repeats her earlier statement. I quietly chuckle. Yup. Definitely jealous. "You already said that." He comments in a slightly confused tone.

Just as he says that, I look over to see Momo clearing her throat and Jiro right next to her, both their gazes on Izuku. Izuku looks over at Momo first, having noticed her first and shocked at her sudden appearance. "Yoayorozu!" Izuku screams.

I watch in hidden amusement as the ponytailed girl looks toward him with an unamused expression. "You appear to be having a good time." She comments in an almost accusatory tone, her gaze still sharp as ever.

I turn towards Jiro as she moves her earphone jack in front of her, as if ready to strike Izuku with them at any moment. The girl looks over at Izuku with the same unamused expression as Momo and Ochako did before her. "Midoriya, I heard everything." She says in a slightly interrogating tone.

Huh. So that makes three more people from class 1-A who are on the island. I look over at Melissa to see her staring at the three girls in slight confusion. "Are these your friends?" She asks him, her eyebrow arched in slight confusion.

Izuku turns toward her and nervously nods. "Yeah. These are my classmates and I um didn't tell them that I'd be there." Izuku explains, lightly blushing as he rubs his cheek with his index finger in embarrassment.

I look towards Izuku and brightly smile while putting a hand on my hip. "Well, that's not very nice. The least you can do is introduce the two of us to them." I teasingly say.

Just as I say that, Momo, Jiro, and Ochako all turn towards me, having just realized I was there. I watch as the three girls' eyes widen in shock, disbelief, and realization of who exactly it was standing in front of them. I look at them and chuckle as I lightly sashay towards Izuku and Melissa before stopping to stand on Izuku's right side. Izuku looks at me and brightly smiles before taking a step towards our classmates as if thankful for having the attention no longer on him. "This is my friend Melissa. She was just showing me around the expo a little bit." He answers, introducing her. I watch as Izuku then motions toward me abeit a bit more nervously than he did with Melissa. "A-And this is Elementa, though you definitely already knew that. She's the one who actually invited me to go with her to the island." He adds.

I look towards him and nod before turning towards our three female classmates with a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you all. Izuku has told me a lot about you all." I say as the three girls continue to gape at me in shock.

I lightly chuckle at their expressions of shock as they continue to stare at me in disbelief. Heh. Since none of them realize it's me, maybe I'll have a little fun with them. Melissa looks toward me and Izuku then back at the three girls, smiling also. "It's nice to meet you also. My Dad and Uncle Might are really good frien-" Before Melissa could finish her statement, Izuku swiftly let out a high-pitched screech and began to rapidly wave his arms around before bringing the three of us into a very obvious huddle. 

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