I Love You

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There was heavy rainfall as we were still driving. I woken up a few minutes ago, then started to listen to the radio peacefully. By the time it was day, we had made it to his house. We got out of the car and I stretched. We went underneath the cabin, where there was wood everywhere. Allison looked through a window, to see nothing but a few chairs and walls. She turned around as a bird nearly decapitated our head. I screamed. 

"Jesus.." There was nobody inside, so we had to look around the area. 

We had gotten stuck in traffic. 

"Ughhhhh. Could this go any slower?" I asked, clearly annoyed. 

"Wait a minute.. is that Vanya's scarf?" Allison asked, getting out of the car. I got out as well. 

"Hey.. yeah it is." She put on sunglasses as we walked over to the scene. I took the scarf so I could give it back to her later. Me and Allison had went past the yellow line. 

"Hey, pardon me. Hey!" A police officer said. "I have to ask you 2 to stay behind the lines. We had an accident here last night." 

"What kind of accident?" Allison asked. 

"Behind the line please" The guy says. 

"Oh yes, sorry." We say going behind the line. 

"Got a lot of stuff on the ground, okay? To be wary of." 

"What happened?" I asked in a slightly forcefully voice. 

"We are still trying to figure that out. As soon as we do, you'll be able to read it in the newspaper with everybody else. So, have a nice day." He says. 

"Look." Allison said taking off her glasses. 

"Officer, if there is any way-" 

"Holy shit!" I look around clueless onto what is going on. 

"Your Allison Hargreeves?" He asked. She smiled and I scoffed. "I saw you on TV two nights ago in that Sandra Bullock movie about underpaid teachers that rob a bank." 

"Yeah, thats me. This is my.. niece." She says painfully, pointing to me. Niece? Come on man! We are still technically the same age! 

"Oh! Wow. Hey. If I'm being honest, my wife and I, we prefer you in the romantic comedies. The Love on Loan trilogy. We cant get enough." He says, Allison chuckling. 

"Copy, Chedder?" Some lady on the walkie talkie said. 

"Yeah what's up?" He asked. 

"Hospital called. Perp from last night just regained consciousness." Allison tried to look around as I was in my own world. 

"Copy. Ill be right over." He smiled, looking at her. "Allison freaking Hargreeves. My wife's not going to believe it." There was a little bit of silence. "Anyway- I- I- I.. I gotta go." He said stuttering like crazy. "Work stuff. Yeah." 

"Yeah, of course. Sorry." I finally got back to the real world after my mind went off wonders. "Actually, thats.. why we are here." She said, putting her hand on my back. "My sweet daughter said she wanted to be a police officer when she grows up. Wanted to see what the real experience was like." She says as I smile to him.

"In Jackpine Cove? We haven't had a murder here in years." 

"Oh, uh.. I was planning on moving to a small town when I'm older.. thats why." I say, not confident at all on what I said. Please work. "I promise we wont get in the way." I say with pleading eyes. He nodded his head. 

"Police, huh?" There was silence, my heart beating very fast. "Come on then." I sighed in relief. "Follow me." We got in the car and we followed him to the hospital. 

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