"Did someone say something to you,vihu? Tell me I'll break their face" akaash said seeing how vihu was unusually quiet.

Vihu just shook his head, he only wanted his papa so he can tell him about his day.

They settled on the couch and vihu looked at akaash and hesitated before asking.
"Bhaiyu, mm... can I speak with papa on your phone please?" He really wanted to talk with him he was feeling sad.

"Of course" akaash said handing him the phone after dialling their papa's number.

Vihu waited patiently for viren to pick up the call but he didn't, after the third time his eyes got moist and he let out a sniffle before giving the phone back to akaash who's heart broke seeing vihu's sad eyes.

"Papa didn't pick up?" Akaash asked softly to which vihu shook his head and his bottom lip was wobbly. Akaash felt really bad seeing his sadness, he signalled diya to speak with him before he starts crying.

"Vihu don't worry papa will be back home soon and I'm sure once he sees your calls he will call you right back" she said enthusiastically and vihu just rubbed his teary eyes and nodded.
"Mmm. Tell me what you want to eat for dinner" she asked and he mumbled looking down " not hungry, want papa" and his eyes got teary.

"Vihu papa is calling" akaash said forwarding the phone and vihu looked at him and akaash handed him the phone

"Hello akku did you get home?" Viren asked
"Papa it's me vihu" vihu mumbled with a broken voice .
"My baby how was your day?" Viren cooed feeling sad for his baby.
"Not good day , mm.. papa I miss you" he mumbled rubbing his teary eyes.
"Aww papa also is missing his baby soo much, did someone make my baby sad?" Viren asked.

"Mhm" vihu mumbled letting out a sniffle.
"Who, tell papa" viren said he knew vihu would cry anytime now.
"Woh... papa please come home soon I miss you" he sobbed "I miss you too baby don't worry papa will be home in an hour ok don't cry" viren and vihu's damn broke he started crying on the phone sobbing his heart out " p..pa..pa c..come h..ome" vihu cried and viren was getting tensed "shhh baby why are you crying I said na I'm coming you toh are a big boy don't cry baby" he tried to calm down but vihu was just crying all those days that he spent without his papa and today was a really bad day at school and just couldn't stop akaash came to him and rubbed his back while diya helped him drink water he was a crying mess every time he tried to stop crying by taking deep breaths he ends up crying more and viren was still on the phone so he just decided that his baby was more important than any case if he was crying this much it means that something was really bothering him he grabbed his car keys and headed out after telling akaash to try calming vihu down untill he gets home.

akaash was trying his best to calm vihu down he was rubbing his back and telling him that their papa wason his way home but vihu was still crying diya pulled her phone out and started playing some videos on tiktok and showed to him that got him distracted a little bit he stopped his crying but was still hiccupping hard akaash wiped his face and made him drink water <<there you go vihu why so much crying?>> akaash asked wiping his face and vihu just rubbed his eyes yawning <<want papa>> he said and akaash smiled at him ruffling his hair << papa must be so nearhe will come any time now>> and viren didint disappoint him, he rang the bell and vihu eyes perked up and he yelled excitedly <<papa>> and ran to answer the door forgetting the rule of not oppenig the door alone unless papa or bhaiyu are with you but he knew it was his papa so he just opened and saw viren.

he jumped on him and viren just carried him hugging him so tightly  <<did my vihu miss papa so much?>> viren cooed at him and vihu nodded snuggling in his neck.

<ok lets sit papa vihu cried so much> akaash said carring virens bag while viren carried vihu who wasnt ready to leave him at all.

<<papa you know na.. woh i didint eat lunch. >> vihu said pouting as he rested his head on viren shoulder <<really>> viren asked surprised and vihu noddded snuggling more in his arms and mumbled <<hungry>>

diya was adoring them she was this close to pull vihu in her arms and pull his cheeks but she controlled herself and decided to tease him <<now youare hungry i asked you what you want to eat for dinner and you said that you are not hungry >> she said with fake anger but vihu didnt know that she was faking it and thought she was really angry.

<<sorry di i was not hungry mmm.. dont get mad>> he said looking at her and his eyes teared up, she was shocked << no vihu im just kidding im not mad or anything please dont cry>> she said feeling terrible by now.

<<vihu diya was just playing with you baby, why you so moody today hm?>> viren asked caressing his head and vihu just wiped his eyes

"I think someone needs a nap" akaash said playfully.

"Noo I don't need a nap I want papa" vihu whined.

"Ok ok, I'm going to make dinner, do you want to help me?." Said viren and proceeded to the kitchen with vihu trailing behind him.

They made dinner and and had it with a lot of smiles and embarrassing stories about akaash's childhood making vihu and diya laugh so hard.

And while akaash left to drop diya home, vihu had lots and lots of cuddles from his papa making him eventually fall asleep.

Viren sighed thankfully, he hated seeing any of his kids sad and vihu specifically had the softest corner of his heart because he was too innocent for this world so he wanted him always protected and happy.

He was glad that vihu was ok. Akaash came back and he also got few cuddles before retiring to viren's room for a good night sleep.

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