❝Part 1♡❞

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Ignore mistakes if any.......

◆1 year ago

◆Rainy Day

It was a heavy rainy day, were there's no one on the road except for few vehicles. The cool breeze making it difficult to even stand outdoors. In such, weather.....

There's a boy who is walking along the footpath looking so lost with something in his arms, not even caring about the weather.

His eyes were fluffy and red....hair messed up....blood dripping from the corner of his lips....a little swollen belly....

"Mama!" A low soft voice called him snapping from his trace. The boy looking at the baby who is wrapped in jacket

"Mama where are we going. I feel cold, I want appas" The little 5 year old girl says with teary eyes

Which made the boy cry in agony hugging the baby. He doesn't know how to answer her....that her fathers abandoned them

"We're going far away from this place baby. We have no one to relay on not even your appa's. Just hold on a bit, please" The boy says crying, he placed his hand on his belly mumbling 'sorry'

While, he was crying, he felt a tuck on his shirt.

"Excuse me" An unknown voice calls him out

The boy look at his back to see a 7 year old kid looking at him with tears eyes.

"Ahjussi! I got lost from my father. Please help me" The little boy cries hugging the other, as he got totally wet.

"D-don't worry. I'll find your father hmm!" The boy says he himself is crying....

"First! Did you eat something? Do you wanna eat something?" The boy asks as they cross the road running in the rain to find a shelter

"Yes thank you" The little boy says as he runs with the older male

"M-my belly" The boy hiss placing his arm around the belly

"I'm sorry. My babies" The boy whispers stopping himself from crying

Soon, they went inside a tiny looking shop to take shelter. There were no customers inside the shop.....

"Ah! I'm sorry the shop is closed as of now" One of the waiter says

"I-i'm sorry but....but my children are hungry" The boy says pleading the other

"But---Fine" The waiter sighs taking there orders

The boy bows a little thanking the waiter multiple times

He placed his daughter on the table, taking off the jacket.....

Tears formed in his eyes again looking at his daughter totally wet and shivering in cold

"Sorry! I'm a bad mother" The boy cries holding her both hands

"Ahjussi. Don't cry....your making me cry too" The little boy sniffing

"Sorry! I can't help it" The boy says trying to stop crying

"But why are you crying. Does your belly hurts?" The little boy asks looking at his belly

"No! I'm fine. I'm not hurt" The boy says smiling a little

"Mama! Where are appa's. I miss them" The little girl says pouting while still shivering in cold

"They...they aren't gonna come baby. From now on, we're gonna live without them" The boy says caressing her cheek

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