Nobody else but the two of us here


'Cause you're saying it's possible


We can just watch the whole world disappear


'Til you're the only one
I still know how to see


It's just you and me


It'll be us
It'll be us
And only us
And what came before won't count anymore

We can try that
You and me
That's all that we need it to be
And the rest of the world falls away
And the rest of the world falls away
The world falls away
The world falls away
And it's only us

They end their song resting their foreheads together both smiling widely. They are broken apart by someone clearing their throat. Carlos quickly wipes away the tears and looks at the interrupter. Eric smiles at the boys and holds out the t-shirt for Alec. 

"Thanks," Alec says taking the shirt. He unfolds the shirt and glares at his brother after seeing what it is. 

It is a handmade tie-dye tee shirt that says '1/2 of Auradon's favorite gay couple' and '#SpottedApples' along with his name and a picture of Carlos and Alec

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It is a handmade tie-dye tee shirt that says '1/2 of Auradon's favorite gay couple' and '#SpottedApples' along with his name and a picture of Carlos and Alec. 

Eric smiles and tries to hold back his laugh. Carlos lets out a soft laugh, before realizing that there is probably a second one for him where this came from. Alec groans and reluctantly and quickly strips off his torn shirt and puts on his new one. Once he gets it on, he notices Eric staring at Jane with 'heart eyes'. 

"Really? Just ask her to the cotillion already," Alec tells his brother. Eric turns his head to look at Alec surprised.

"Whaaat? I don't like Jane," Eric says. Carlos and Alec look at him with their eyebrows raised knowingly. 

"Dude, I've known you for less than 7 months and I know that you like her," Carlos explains. 

"Also, I'm your brother. I've known you liked her since we were in kindergarten. Remember, you shared your crayons when she left them at home, and then she called you her best friend," Alec adds. Eric begins to blush and looks down at his feet. 

"Well, she probably already has a date, right?" Eric asks. 

"Nope," Alec tells him, popping the 'p'. The two boys look at him surprised. "What? She's one of my best friends. You really think that I wouldn't know when she got asked to the cotillion." 

"Go for it, dude," Carlos encourages. Eric nods and walks over to Jane, who is on the phone finalizing details for the cotillion. 

"Would you go to the cotillion with me?" Eric asks Jane.

"Yeh, Yeah, yeah, sure. We're all taking a stretch carriage over at 6," Jane tells him before talking back into the phone, "No, no, no. The pen toppers are in the portside cabin."

"No, I mean... with me," Eric explains. Jane looks at him strangely. 

"Yeah, want me to swing by your room?" Jane asks confused. Alec lets out an embarrassed chuckle in disbelief and Carlos runs his hands over his face. Jane continues, talking to whoever is on the phone, "No, so when you're on the boat facing the left...Yeah, yeah, right. No, no, not the right, left." Eric slowly turns towards Carlos and Alec, who give him a thumbs up and nod in encouragement. 

"Ok. This is gonna be tricky. Jane?" Eric mutters, placing his hand on her hand and phone. He slowly lowers the phone away from her ear, while she stares confused. "Would my date to the cotillion?" he asks slowly, "and if you don't hate me for my horrendous dancing by the end of it, would you consider maybe being more than friends?" Jane chuckles softly. "Maybe?" 

"Like boyfriend and girlfriend? We can hold hands instead of fist bumps and sharing crayons and we can text each other and I can tell you how great you are because Eric, you're really, really great and I'm the luckiest girl in the world. You're so nice and cute," Jane rants.

"Me too. I'm the luckiest girl- I mean guy. Luckiest guy," Eric interrupts. Jane laughs shyly and rushes forward hugging Eric. The two are interrupted by the phone. The person over the phone asks if Jane can hear them. Jane lets out a gasp.

"Oh, sorry. I'll see you later," She says beginning to walk away. "Oh, I need a dress!" She says grabbing Alec's arm and pulling him up and away from Carlos and towards the dorms.

Carlos waves good-bye to Alec and then turns to Eric, who is still standing there in shock that it worked.

"See?" He says patting the boy's shoulder, "We told you it would work." Eric turns to Carlos and pulls him into a hug muttering thank you. The two separate and say their goodbyes and Carlos and Dude head back to their room. 


Chad was again in Carlos and Jay's dorm, this time printing a crown. He was fully dressed in a king's costume. He pulls out his 3D crown and places it on his head, looking in the mirror and smiling. He tilts the crown slightly.

"Why, no Audrey, I haven't picked a queen yet." He says to himself. "Why, No, AUdRey-" He began louder and with a weird accent before his phone began to ring. 

"Now who could be calling me at a time like this?" He asks picking up his phone and looking to see who it was. "Ahh- Audrey!" He shouts and tries to answer it, but fumbles it, falling to the ground. Carlos goes to enter his room right as Chad falls. "Audrey!" Chad screams reaching for the phone.

"Chad! This is my room, Chad! What..." Carlos complains but Chad shushes him so he stops. Chad holds up his finger and answers the call. 

"Audrey? Yeah? Yeah? Well, yeah. That's wonderful news," Chad answers, turning back to Carlos to explain, "She got a flat tire in Sherwood Forest and wants me to go fix it." Chad goes back to talking to Audrey.

"That's six hours away," Carlos informs him. Chad looks back surprised.

"Really? Only six?" Chad asks and responds to Audrey with, "I'm gonna be there faster than I thought," and ends the call with a kiss on the phone. Chad stands and moves to leave however Carlos is blocking him. 

"Uh-Uh. My printer, my crown." Carlos tells him. Carlos takes the crown off Chad's head. 

"Oh, yeah. About that...," Chad tries to stammer out an excuse looking at Carlos and  the printer, "Right?" He moves to leave the room but stops at the door. "You won't tell Alec, right?" Carlos waves a hand for the boy to take a yes. Chad nods and screams, "I'm coming, Audrey!" before running down the hall. 

"Wow." Carlos rolls his eyes and shuts the door. "Now, I've got to get ready."


Thanks for reading!

Another ship name for the couple is 'Calec'.

Make sure you vote, comment, and/or share.

Love, Cassy <3

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