I hear her voice and immediately turn into the direction of where her voice is coming from to see her standing nearby a car.

I jog over there and two other voices are heard as I get closer.

"Let me drop you home come on." A man around our age says to her, pulling on her arm to get in the car.

I look closer to see there's 3 other niggas in the car who were either laughing or smoking.

I push his hand away from her as I get in front of Kehlani.

"Nah she's good." I say directly to the guy who scrunched his face up as soon as he saw me.

"Nigga who are you?" He replies, pointing at me. I ignore it, picking the best outcome.

I grab Kehlani by the hand before walking off but of course- we're interrupted.

"Nigga I said who are you?" He asks once more. I turn around to see him and the rest of his friends now getting out of the car.

"Fuck out my face." I reply. I feel Jayda's eyes pierce into the side of my face but I ignore it.

"Or what nigga?" He spits as he gets closer to me, around a inch away from me.

Before I can react one of his friends hop out of the car with their hands raised in defeat.

"You ace right? We ain't mean nothin' by it man." He grabs his friend's arm, backing him away from me.

That's what the fuck I thought.

"Apologise." I ignore the guy in the back and keep my eyes on dude.

"My ba-," His friend slaps his arm lightly and he takes a breath in.

"I'm sorry man." He huffs out and I nod. I turn to Kehlani who looked very confused. Fortunately, she probably won't even remember this interaction.

I grab her by the arm and lead her to the car, opening the door for her. Still, i'm grateful nothing kicked off. Especially with Kehlani besides me, Adora a few feet away and without my gun.

I look back to Adora who had regret in her face. She opens her mouth to speak but shuts it quickly.


"How you getting home?" I ask her and she points to her car. I don't know if she was okay to drive but i'm sure she didn't drink as much as Kehlani did.

"You got her?" She asks and I nod. She waves at me before walking off to her car and I walk to the drivers seat.

I turn to her but she looks away. She looked embarrassed, startled and tired. I'm just happy I got there when I did.

"Are you okay?" I ask and she nods in reply. She's not smiling and I hate it.

"Did they-

"Nothing happened. Please just take me home." She says lowly and I nod.

She shivered slightly but once I turned to her, she tried to play it off. The miniskirt and the top she was wearing didn't help either.

I put the temperature up in the car as I didn't have any layers to give to her.

I give her my phone to put her addy in the GPS and she does so. The rest of the car ride is silent and I drop her home safely.

Her house was beautiful but I expected it considering who her family were.

She struggles with taking the seatbelt off meaning she was definitely still drunk. Of course, I have to help her and take it off for her.

I get out of the car to open her door for her, using her hand to help her get out of the car.

"You want me to walk you inside or nah?" I offer and she shakes her head. Finally, she gives me a small smile before hugging me. I wrap my hands around her waist, taking in her scent.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"Call me once you get in and shit." I relax my face once I see hers. Definitely still tired but no longer scared or embarrassed.

"I will." She replies before trying to walk. She stumbles a little more before nearly falling onto the road. I walk over to her aid and she rolls her eyes.

So stubborn.

"Just let me take you inside." I insist.

She rolls her eyes once more before putting her hand out so I can hold it. I walk her over to her house and grab the keys from her purse.

I open the door for her and we both walk inside. I try to keep my attention on her instead of the house but it was beautifully decorated.

She immediately takes off her heels and throw them onto the floor.

"Where's the kitchen?" I ask and she points to another area.

I decide wether to make her tea or get a bottle of water but she was so tired, water would be the most effective choice at the moment.

I grab a bottle from the fridge before jogging upstairs. I go into the room where the door was already open and look around the pink- themed room. It wasn't childish but it explained her vibe. I liked it.

She's on her bed, already sleeping with her makeup and clothes still on.

I hover over her to shake her three times before her open. She looks up at me from her eyelashes and her breathing becomes more ragged.

If this was under any other circumstance I would've-

"Here, take this." I clear my throat as I give her the water bottle.

I look at the small pile of clothes on the floor before finding a oversized tee. Girls love to sleep in this shit.

I pass it to her and she smiles.

"You sure you good?" I ask her.

"I'm fine, thank you Amir." She says and I nod.

I walk out of her room. I look back once more and she waves, I do the same. I shut the door gently before walking out of the house.

At least she's safe.

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