Chapter 3 - The orphans meet the lost children

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Meanwhile, Tsukasa was trying to look for Emu and his friends when an arrow came out of nowhere, it shoot him and he fell from the sky to the ground. When the lost children analysed Tsukasa, they thought he was a bird at first but he's actually just a boy.

'Uhh...Len, he doesn't look like a bird...', asked Akito.

'Yeah, he looks more like a boy to me,' added Toya.

'OH NO!!!!! WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!?!?!', exclaimed Mizuki.

At that same time, Emu have just arrived at the scene, and saw Tsukasa's unconsicous body in front of her eyes. Rui and Nene also arrived at the scene.

'UWAAH!!!!! TSUKASA-KUN!!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!', shouted Emu.

'We shot him because we thought he was a bird...', explained Akito.

'Len also told us that you ordered us to shoot him down-', in frustration, Toya go cut off by Emu and she shouted at Len, 'LEN-KUN!!!!! WHY WOULD YOU LIE LIKE THAT?!?!?!?!'

'YOU LIKE TSUKASA-KUN MORE THAN ME, RIGHT?!?!?!', as tears were falling off Len's eyes.

'SO YOU DID THAT ALL BECAUSE OF JEALOUSY?!?!?! I HATE YOU!!!!!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!', hurted by Emu's words, Len flew away crying. After she realised what she just said, she thought to herself:

(Was I...too harsh...?)

Despite of what happened, she went to Tsukasa and held him in her arms, 'Tsukasa-kun...if you could hear your eyes...', as her tears fell onto Tsukasa's cheek, which caused him to open his eyes.

'...Emu? What...happened...?', asked Tsukasa in a weak voice.

Rui then analysed the arrow by pulling it out, suprisingly, there was no blood on the arrow. It turns out Tsukasa was lucky enough that the arrow only hit the acorn necklace which Emu gave him earlier. When Tsukasa was finally fully awaken, he realised he was in Emu's arms and pushed her away out of embarrassment.

Emu then led the kids inside the hideout, and everyone did a proper introduction to one another.

'I'm Tsukasa, this is Rui and this is Nene, we are actually orphans,' Tsukasa did their introduction.

'I'm Mizuki, I may look like a girl but my pronouns are they/them, this is Toya-kun and Ototo-kun-', Mizuki was in the middle of their introduction when Akito interrupted, 'Akiyama! I told you not to call me by that! Anyways, I'm Akito and they already told you his name.'

(A/N: Despite of how high Tsukasa fell, he somehow managed to survive, but we'll never know how is he still alive lol)

Everyday, Emu and the kids will explore around the island, and by nighttime, they will bond by the fireplace and share stories. Tsukasa would sometimes cook delicious meals for them, Emu and the lost children were impressed by Tsukasa's cooking skills.

But at the same time, Emu kept thinking about what happened that day with Len, she thought to herself that she may be too harsh, she was also starting to miss him.

(Emu's mind: Was I really too harsh on him that day? I'm also starting to miss him, he was my only friend before Akito-kun, Toya-kun and Mizuki-chan came to Neverland. I should try to find him, I hope he didn't go that far...)

(A/N: I'm not sure what does Emu call Mizuki by, if it's wrong please let me know.)

Her Neverland - Emu angst [Fairytale AU/(a bit of) Emukasa]Where stories live. Discover now