New Beginnings

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Hi, welcome to my first fanfic i am a huge llorumi shipper and i hope you like this! feel free to comment ideas! :) I am going to try to keep it like the show so there will be no lemon parts if u think there will be its not. i want to keep this like the show just cute with a few dirty jokes since its ninjago :)

They had just finished rebuilding the monastery. I had been a few months since the Crystalized mess. "Guys please, she's changed! Can we let her stay here?" Lloyd pleaded to his friends. "I Just really don't think thats such a good idea Lloyd" Kai stated "Remember what happened last time?" "I know it was bad, but please. just let her prove herself to you!" Lloyd continues to plead to his friends. "Zane can do a scan and see if she's lying!" Lloyd yelled, obviously eager to have Harumi back, and wanted to keep her. "Fine!" Kai gave in, sighing. "But on one condition, I ask the questions." Lloyd reluctantly agreed.

Harumi was painting the kitchen when Lloyd, Kai , and Zane stepped in. "Can I help you boys?" Harumi said giggling a little seeing that they were covered in paint from painting the walls outside. "Yes, actually you will take a lie detector test and Zane will scan you to see if you've changed like Lloyd claims. "Ok" was all that she said before she was escorted to the living room.

"Do you feel bad about what happened with Sons Of Garmadon?" Kai asked her first question. "Yes, I feel awful. If I could go back in time and fix everything I would" Harumi stated. A few more questions were asked. And Lloyd was anxiously waiting since zane was the lie detector Lloyd had no idea what was happening. Or if she was passing or not.

After Kai finished his questioning he asked Zane how she did. "She passed." is what Zane said, making Kai's expression go from proud to upset. "How!?!" was all that Kai could say. Harumi had walked out of the living room. "What's happening out here?" she asked. Lloyd ran over to her and hugged her. She was surprised but hugged him back "I'm guessing I passed?" Harumi asked as she and Lloyd broke the hug. "Yes, you did and with flying colors." He told her. Turning to kai he said "Told ya" Lloyd said with a smirk grabbing Harumi's hand and leading her away.

"So I'll be staying here?" Harumi asked Lloyd as she picked up her paintbrush and continued painting. "Yep," Lloyd said, picking up a paintbrush to help. "This is amazing, I mean I get to stay with the ninjago, and try to restart my life." Harumi stated out loud. "And be with you" she said under her breath " What? I didn't catch the last part." "Hm? Oh it's nothing" Harumi said quickly.

"I still don't trust her!" Nya said to the rest of the team. As they painted the wall outside. "I don't know Nya, she did pass the test. Let's give her a chance." Jay commented but quickly wished he hadn't. Nya hit him over the head saying "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?! SHE TRIED TO KILL US AND LLOYD MULTIPLE TIMES! NOT TO MENTION BREAKING LLOYDS HEART! AND YOU THINK WE SHOULD GIVE HER A CHANCE?!" Nya screamed. "Hey sis, calm down a little please." Cole chimed in saying "Let's give her a chance for Lloyd" "Fine" Nya said sighing.

                                                                                       {6:00 pm}

Everyone is sitting in the living room Kai in a chair by the coffee table. Nya is on the floor by the bookshelf. Jay is on a stool next to Nya. Zane and Pixal are on the couch with Cole. and Lloyd and Harumi are on the mini couch. She is snuggled up next to him, his arm is around her waist and her head is on his shoulder. "Sooooo what are we going to do for food? The kitchen is still filled with paint fumes and is not in use yet." Cole stated to everyone. "Lets toto Skys noodle house!" Kai called chiming in. "That's the only place we go, Kai" Nya groaned "Are you sure that you don't just want to see Skylor?" Lloyd asked teasingly. Kai's face turned bright crimson red. "N-no" Kai said, embarrassed and still blushing. Giggling, Harumi said "I don't see why we shouldn't go." "I hear a but coming" Lloyd said "But are we sure it's safe for me in public?" "Mini Pix!" Pixel called as the little robot came in. "Please call Skylor and tell her to close her restaurant for us." Mini Pix nodded and left.

                                                                                    {7:30 pm}

"Hey, come in everyone!" Skylor called warmly, opening the door. "Wait, you're Harumi Jade right?" "Yes, I am." Harumi says, sighing. Skylor looks at Kai confused. "She's with us." Lloyd said, jumping in front of Harumi. "Okay, if you say so." Skylor replied, opening the door so that everyone could walk in. Skylor brought out food for everyone. They were all laughing and teasing Kai.

"Hey rumi." Lloyd said, causing Harumi to look up from her food. She had left the group and sat at a booth. "What are you doing over here? Lloyd asked, sitting across from her "All the fun is over there." Lloyd said laughing. Then quickly realized that she was upset. "Woah, was it something I said?" Lloyd asked Moving to sit next to her. Harumi shook her head no. She was holding in tears as he put his arm around her shoulders. "Hey, please talk to me." "Can we go outside?" Harumi whispered, looking at Lloyd with tears forming in her eyes. 

"Of course" Lloyd grabbed her hand and led her outside. Luckily, his friends didn't notice. "What's going on?" Lloyd asked when they finally got outside. Tears started streaming down her face "I'm sorry Lloyd, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She cried into his shoulder as they stood there. "What? Rumi you didn't do anything." "What's going on?" Lloyd asked her as they pulled away. Her face was stained with tears. "I'm sorry..." she whispered as more tears streamed. "Rumi tell me what's going on." "I-I feel so bad a-about what happened, with your father a-and the overlord." "Harumi, it's not your fault." "But it is!" She cried burying her face into his shoulder again. "No, it's not. It's not your fault that you were angry. I probably would have done the same thing. And it's not your fault that the overlord had you under his control." Lloyd reassured her as she pulled away and looked at his emerald green eyes. "Really?" she asked. "Yes" he replied softly looking into her sweet brown eyes. "Yes, Harumi. It's fine, we're good now. As Master Wu would say, the past is the past but we always have a future." His saying this caused Harumi to laugh. "Ok ,let's head inside, ok rumi?" "Ok" she said, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Where have you two been?" Kai asked the duo. "Outside" Lloyd stated plainly. "Ok, but what were you doing?" "It's not your business Kai!" Lloyd started holding Harumi closer. "Ok, geez I'm sorry." Kai said backing off. "Hey, everyone, it's almost 10. We should probably get back to the monastery before Master Wu gets worried!" Nya told the group. They all head over to their vehicles and start to head home. Good nights passed around and the ninja retired to bed. "Good night, Rumi" "Good night Lloyd" the two called before heading to bed.

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