Left Behind

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Left Behind

"When will we see one another again?" Kyle pouted, his hand latching onto the green sleeve of his partner's sweater.

With his own hand settling over the wizard's empathetically, Fan gave a weak smile in return, hoping to ease the unsettled feeling between them. It didn't exactly work. He hadn't been able to mask his own sadness as well as he believed he was.

"As soon as you're free." The hero replied. "I mean it. Say the word and I'll pack my bag and come right back here!"

"I will. I'll call straight away."

"I hope so...I miss you already."

"Me too, Fan."

Through their parting kiss, the conjurer's heart ached. Even more so when the hero pulled away from the tight grip he'd had on him to take his leave, vanishing into the other end of the opened portal with a hopeful smile and a friendly wave. It never got any easier to see him go. The distance between them was painful. It was more than miles, it was worlds away, and it was hard. Kyle always thought he was mature enough for a relationship like this, long distance, but it was frustrating. There were moments he wasn't sure how long he could deal with being apart this way. He lamented the time they'd taken for granted as youths when they only lived mere blocks apart. He wished he could go back to those days from time to time, but that time was gone now.

Standing alone in his backyard garden, Kyle turned back into his home, hugging himself. His previous joyful expression had fallen and though he tried to pick it up, it was impossible. He avoided his family members, who were actively sat around the television in their living room. He was thankful they'd been distracted with something else. With the deeply melancholic look on his face, he was sure he would've been bombarded with unwanted attention and questions. He didn't have the energy for that at the moment.

Instead, he retreated down into the solitude of his basement bedroom, closing the door behind him with a deep, shaken exhale. On the bookshelf, the Necronomicon peeked out at the wizard and its leathery face seemed to frown when it noticed the redhead slumped over, sat at the edge of his bed. With tears quickly brimming in his eyes, Kyle kicked off his red trainers and flopped on his side, his back facing the book, which spoke up the instant an audible sniff came from the direction of its owner.

"Now, now! Don't get yourself worked up!" The book cooed, levitating over to the distraught teenager. "You know you'll see one another again sooner than later."

"Leave me alone..." Kyle whimpered, burying his face into one of his pillows.

"But it's the truth!" The book continued. "And you say so every time he comes to visit, about how quickly the time flew by after all! You shouldn't weep over it."

"How could I not?" Kyle sniffed. "I dread this entire arrangement between us! I can't help but feel from time to time that this was all a great mistake..."

"You and I both know you don't truly feel that way." The Necronomicon sighed. "I've never seen you this emotional over anyone in your life."


"It will be alright." The book assured its owner.

It smiled to itself when it had managed to get Kyle to sit up in bed. With the wizard wiping away the stray tears from his freckled face, the book continued when the attention had returned to it.

"You have your wizarding finals very soon and you know they tend to run their course. It'll be no time till your next holiday! You'll be preoccupied the entire duration, so I know you'll be just fine."

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