The Fitting

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The Fitting

"I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me pick you up later today." Sigmund spoke to Erin over the phone.

Walking herself in the direction of her cauldron hour, Erin shook her head in protest immediately after the suggestion.

"It's not necessary, really!" She assured him, her tone slightly stressed. "I can just fly over after class and—."

"I'm coming to get you." Sigmund interrupted. "I don't want to hear anything else from you."

"You know it's always an issue when you show up to Halfmoon campus!" Erin argued. "Please, S! Just let me meet you over at the train station instead."

"We can avoid taking the train altogether if you just let me pick you up! We'll be able to catch a portal and we can just jump!"

"You know what? Fine. Fine!"

"When your cauldron hour gets out, I'll be there in fifteen." He smiled. "If you just wait outside, you can jump straight into the carpool, and no one would be the wiser!"

"That's not how it works and you know it! They're gonna know, and I'm starting to think you want people to know. You wanna be seen!"

"Hehehe~! Bye, Erin! I love you!"

" you too. Bye."

Hanging up the phone on her end, Erin let out a huff of a sigh as she turned into her cauldron class. She didn't like for her partner to come to Halfmoon Hallows. Though she loved to see him, there was a strict visitation policy at the academy, and visitors had to be announced to the security detail. Especially male visitors. There were volunteer staffers, other students, who assisted with visitors, and they weren't the slightest bit discreet about who came through the gates of the academy. At any given time, Erin would hear rumors about her peers who'd had visits from their own partners over the weekends and it always put her off. The last thing she wanted was for her business to be aired out to her classmates.

The couple were opposites in this way. Sigmund always loved the attention, and he wasn't afraid of public displays of affection, but Erin preferred to be more private. Especially considering the attitudes of her peers. At one point in time, she'd been actively bullied by a few of the upperclassman when they found out about her involvement with every witch's favorite sorcerer in junior year. Since then, Erin did her best to blend into the background and refused to integrate into daily gossip and conversation with any witch that wasn't part of her coven, but Sigmund made that hard for her.

So far, he hadn't visited Halfmoon much at all. In fact, more often than not, Erin would be the one to sneak into Milkweed. It was easier, considering the school was an all-inclusive one. Security wasn't nearly as tight. At most, Erin would have to take an alternate route to dodge some border patrol, but that wasn't much of a challenge anymore after years of sneaking around.

Just thinking about the way gossip spread in Halfmoon gave Erin anxiety. Over the cauldron, her coven quickly took notice when the witch was more quiet than usual.

"You alright, Erin?" Hannah asked, catching the witch's attention.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

"You've been really quiet this entire hour..." Meghan chimed in. "And I know you. You love to chat our heads off."

"Are you sure you're alright?" Gloria questioned. "Are you stressed about exams coming up?"

"Y-yeah, the exams!" Erin nodded, pointing out Gloria's response. "Just a little nervous."

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