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"You look very smart in that blazer, Alexander!"

"Thanks, Kyle!"

"What's the occasion?"

"I have a date this evening!"

"Ooh~! How nice! With whom? Erin the Enchantress?"

"Oh, stop it!!"

Stomping towards the front door of the Bloodworth family home, Alexander the Alchemist pulled on his overcoat and adjusted his pointed wizard hat. He rolled his eyes towards Kyle's giggling and worked to button the tartan-printed, pea coat closed.

"I'll have you know that I'm very fond of Hannah!" Alexander argued.

"And you also fancy Erin..." Kyle muttered. "Don't you?"

"No! That was just a silly little junior level crush!"

"That's carried on into senior levels..."

"Hannah and I have been together for nearly three years now!"

"On and off." Kyle shrugged. "I recall more than a few pauses and breaks here and there."

"And we've reconciled every time and our relationship has only grown stronger as a result!"

"Mmm-hmm. Sure it has."

"I've had about enough of your negativity!" Alexander stomped, conjuring his broom as he opened the front door. "I'm taking my leave now!"

"I was only teasing...sorta!"


Waving off his cousin, Alexander closed the door behind him and started down the walkway in front of their Veronstone home. He hopped onto his broom and took to the sky, merging with air traffic after some time. He was headed in a much wealthier area of the realm.

His girlfriend, Hannah Voluptas, was a hybrid witch that attended the neighboring school of Halfmoon Hallows, an all-girls witching academy. The academy was known to be exceptionally exclusive, and it housed only the best witches in Veronstone. Or at least that's the way it had been advertised. It was no secret that many witches that attended the school were only granted to do so because of generous donations and pledges to the establishment, made by their wealthy parents and families. It also was no secret that Hannah wasn't the smartest witch in the bunch. And the reason for her enrollment in the academy undeniably wasn't a secret when it came to who her father was.

Alexander was always nervous when he visited the Voluptas household. Up until now, he'd only met Hannah's mother, a goddess in her own right, but never her famous father. He received positive feedback from Hannah whenever he'd met with her mother in the past, so he felt that he could make just as good of an impression this evening as well. He'd be having dinner with both parents for the first time.

Hannah lived in a wealthier area of Veronstone in a community at the foot of Veronstone Estates, the most opulent neighborhood in the realm. The communities here, nestled amongst the green hills away from the noise and bustle of Main Street, had massive, gated homes. The closer to Veronstone Estates, the larger the houses seemed to grow, doubling in size from simple homes to full on compounds. Hannah's home was one that gave off a Hollywood mansion vibe, modern and excessive, yet sleek in appearance despite the whimsical looks of other homes nearby.

Landing outside of the gate to Hannah's home, Alexander let his broom vanish beside him. He walked himself over to the intercom up front and pushed the button, waiting for a response. It didn't take long.

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