"So you found the Avatar, but it's Korra.  She is your best most closest friend, and you don't want to hurt her, but you also want to avenge me and your father.  That is quite the tangle that you are in.  But killing the Avatar isn't exactly needed to avenge us my son."  Yan said, sad that her son is in this predicament.

"I know, but even so, who knows what the Red Lotus will do to her to get her to join us."  Y/N said in a sad worried tone, to which Yan understood his feelings.

"Y/N, you don't need to worry about whether or not Korra will be harmed.  I will make sure she is unharmed, and if push comes to shove, I will put a permanent end to the Red Lotus, and make sure that Korra comes out unharmed.  You have my word."  Yan smiled, making Y/N slightly tear up and smile back, resulting in him hugging her again.

"Ok.  Tell the Red Lotus that the daughter of Chief Tonraq of the Southern Water Tribe, Korra, is the Avatar.  And also tell them to make sure they keep any damage or harm done to her to the upmost minimum."  Y/N said with a determined smile, to which Yan smiled and nodded back.

She then put up her hood, and walked out of the building, disguising herself in the dark, leaving no trace of herself behind.

-Red Lotus HQ-

"Ah, Lady Yan L/N, it's lovely to see you here again.  How long has it been?"  Unalaq asked the woman, who bowed and smiled to the Red Lotus group.

"It has been 2 years.  And I've come with a great development that I am sure that you all would be glad to hear."  Yan smiled, which made the others excited.

"Is it about Y/N?  Is he safe?"  Zaheer asked the woman, hoping that all was going good.

They didn't know each other for two long, but during the breaks between Y/N's training, he would hang out with the other members of the Red Lotus, just doing normal kid stuff with the teenagers.

"You need not worry.  My son is perfectly safe, and just as he promised, he did well with his part of your plan."  Yan said, shocking Unalaq and making him put on a huge grin.

"Are you telling me that your son knows who the Avatar is?"  Unalaq asked, as he and the other Red Lotus members leaned in to hear her answer.

"It is your niece.  Young Korra, the daughter of the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe, your brother, and his wife, Tonraq and Senna."  She said, making Unalaq even more excited that it's a relative of his, which would probably make things go easier.

"According to Y/N, she was already a prodigy Avatar just a few days after learning of her abilities.  She already knew how to Waterbend, Earthbend and Firebend.  What she lacks in Airbending, she makes up for with the brute force of her other abilities."  Yan exclaimed, to which Unalaq nodded.

"I knew your son was perfect for the job.  A true master of many crafts.  This will take some time to prepare for.  If it was anyone else of lower importance it would be much easier, but this is my niece, which means that I cannot be seen under any circumstance.  They would most likely send multiple people to defend her, so we must prepare.  We will attack in 1 year.  Prepare yourselves for this fight."  Unalaq said to Zaheer, P'li, Ming Hua and Ghazan, to which they nodded.

"Oh, and one more thing.  It took a lot of Y/N's judgment before he made the decision to tell you this.  You see, he and Korra have become very close.  They are the best of friends.  So I promised him that I would make sure that no harm would come to her.  So I am now telling you all that there is to be no harm done to her on purpose.  And I also don't want any of you to hurt her when she is capture.  You will have to convince her in other ways that don't involve hurting her."  Yan warned the group.

"And what if she isn't willing to cooperate with us?"  Ming Hua asked the woman.

"Then you should all start looking for backup plan to how you're going to accomplish your goals."  Yan said, standing up, staring at Unalaq with her red eyes.

"You don't need to worry Lady L/N.  No harm will come to her, I promise.  I will treat her as carefully as I treat my own children."  Unalaq bowed, to which she returned.

"Thank you.  I will see you in a few months."  Yan said, leaving the room.

And with that, the Red Lotus began preparing for a battle against the White Lotus and their allies.  This would be a risky battle, but they were determined to achieve their prize in the form of Avatar Korra, and they were willing to do anything to get it.

Word Count:  2940  

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