"Robert, can we please have the keys to Niall's room? The boy needs to drop his stuff, we have rehearsals in an hour."

Robert rushed behind the Concierge desk, pulling out the key to Niall's room from the box and walking over to hand it over to Niall himself. He didn't like the way the band's manager handled situations, she was rash and unfriendly at times and he tried his best to avoid her as much as he could; however, he wasn't going to be bossed around by her. He had been at the Langley for over 30 years, and an old tempered lady wasn't going to spoil anyone's stay at his hotel. 

"'Thank you Robert." Niall said warmly and then took Ocean's hand and entwined his fingers in hers. Ocean smiled at him as they walked past the lady who Ocean still didn't know the name of and headed towards the grand straicase that circled around the chandelier to the first floor.

"I'll see ya la'er, Rebecca." Niall muttered to his manager, and then looked down to look at his key to find which room he was staying at. "Ah! The same as last time, nice."

Room 121 was grand. The handle on the door was golden and it had an owl engraved just above it, making it look as though the handle itself were its feathers. Once inside, the first door to their right was the bathroom, two marble sinks adorned one side of the wall whilst a bath with a golden trim around the edge, was snuggly clasped on the corner of the room. Two bathrobes were hooked on the door with The Langley logo on the front. 

Ocean walked out of the bathroom and walked inside the other room on the right. The bedroom was regal, it looked as though Marie-Antoinette herself had stayed here the night and the decor itself had never changed. The heavy curtains that were curved on either side of the French window were wrapped with a thick golden tassle and the bed itself was cushioned with about six plush velvet cushions which looked so inviting, Niall immediately jumped on the bed, making the cushions nestle around him. 

"Come join me!" He said as he spread his arms wide, but Ocean hadn't yet finished looking around the room.

She walked out and went into the centre room which was the living area of the space, with a TV and two sofas that were circling the wooden coffee table in the middle. She reached for the books on top of the coffee table which were designer names of some brands she hardly even heard of and a gallery book of an interior designer. 

"This is insane!" Ocean finally said something. "Can't believe you stay in a place like this? This is taking the piss surely," She looked around her and picked up a small vase that was on top of the fireplace behind the sofa. "I bet you this vase can pay my month's rent!"

Niall came into the room in that moment and Ocean turned to him, "The fact that you don't even want to know how much a room like this costs is disgusting! Earth to Niall. People don't live like this!"

"I'm aware this is a privilege that comes with the job, but I'm not rubbin' it in anyone's face. I know people don't live like this, I don't live like this. It's a treat for working hours on end with this band which I apprcia'e. I know where I've come from, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it?"

Ocean piped down slightly after his comment, but she still wasn't completely going to let it go. It made her feel a bit uncomfortable knowing there were people out there in the world going hungry, and there was a hotel using gold trims on their windows. 

"I still find it ridiculous," she muttered bitterly, "I hope you stay humble is all."

"Well, right now you're the one keeping me humble with your constant torment towards me," The lad teased as he went over and snaked an arm around the girl's waist and drew her closer to him, burying a gentle kiss on her neck.

Ocean smiled immediately and reached over to put a hand over Niall's cheek. "You know, your fans won't like you if you turn into a twat?"

"And do you think I'm a twat?" Niall asked and then added quickly, "Actually don't answer that!"

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