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Taehyung was stroking Jungkook back as Jungkook was snuggling in taehyung's neck "taetae" Jungkook said in baby voice "yes baby" taehyung answered "kookie wants McDonald's" Jungkook said "ok anything else kookie wants" taehyung said "nope just McDonald's and we'll watch iron man" Jungkook said "ok baby" taehyung said and set Jungkook on bed he prepared the movie and ordered food for both of them

Jungkook was again clinging on taehyung while watching the movie he wrapped his arm around taehyung waist and put his head on taehyung chest after sometime "kookie is hungry where is food taetae" Jungkook said pouting cutely "baby it'll be here soon" taehyung said pinching Jungkook cheeks they heard the door bell Jungkook instantly run down stairs "kookie be careful" taehyung said before running behind him they got down together Mrs Kim has already took the parcel

"Who ordered it" Mrs Kim said smiling "kookie and taetae" Jungkook said "ok kookie take it" Mrs Kim said handling him his parcel "kookie go in our room I'm coming" taehyung said and Jungkook ran upstairs "eomma he is in little space" taehyung said "ooo we are gonna see this side of him which we missed" Mrs Kim said and hugged taehyung "you are the best eomma" taehyung said and he got in his room he saw Jungkook in just his t-shirt which is above his knees

Taehyung licked his lips "why did you change kookie and where is the pants" taehyung said and took seat beside Jungkook "kookie want comfy comfy and the shirt is big on kookie" Jungkook said bitting on his burger taehyung tried to cover his legs but he pushed away the blanket "no kookie want like this" Jungkook said whinning "kookie please for taetae" taehyung said Jungkook shook his head and put the chips in taehyung mouth "shhhh" Jungkook said and here taehyung was getting hard just by Jungkook's legs and he was getting annoyed

"Kookie come on wear pants" taehyung said and got up Jungkook got up and pushed taehyung down after that he sat on his thighs his legs was around taehyung waist "NO" Jungkook said raising his voice little taehyung was hard by now Jungkook got a little up shifting on taehyung member taehyung moaned om this movement "ahh fuck" taehyung said "what happened" Jungkook said and cupping taehyung face

"You are making me lose my shit Jungkook don't make me do something which you'll regret in the morning" taehyung said clenching his jaw on the pain which he was feeling "are you angry" Jungkook said "yes I'm very much" taehyung said "what should I do to make you forgive me" Jungkook said his eyes tear up "just ride me" taehyung said "but you are not a bicycle" Jungkook said

"Just move on my lap baby" taehyung said Jungkook massage his ass on taehyung clothed member "uhmmm" taehyung moaned he knew he is very week for Jungkook touch "like that" Jungkook asked with puppy eyes "yes like that until you feel wet" taehyung said bitting his lips Jungkook start his work taehyung got in his neck start bite and suck on it while moaning

Taehyung reach Jungkook lips and sucked it harshly they both moaned in kiss Jungkook felt wetness down their he stopped taehyung pull out "good baby boy" taehyung said caressing his cheeks Jungkook smiled "what it is" Jungkook asked "we call it steamy season it'll be secret a secret between us" taehyung said and kissed Jungkook lips "ok kookie in secret" Jungkook said smiling "now we should sleep baby" taehyung said and they both fall asleep in each other embrace

MINE a sinful obsession (a vkook imagine)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora