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Inside those screeching walls of stacked wood, so thin, they felt like they would blow away by the next rainstorm, she would sit. Between that cubical of comfort she called her room. High above that house she couldn't even call it a home. Kena would sit and stare...

The amber rings that hugged her dilated pupils would blankly doze into those deeply crimson lines her own trembly fingers created. An artist, she would think of herself. Projecting her insides on the outside, or was it the other way around? Her outside, her world, would dive deep into those streaks. As if she was counting with each one, how many times she'll keep adding one after the other, until the final one comes. The deepest one, that'll finally let her escape. That'll finally let her inside and outside mix and swirl and she'll be finally free.

It never mattered to her, what she'll be leaving behind. As she stared and stared into those lines, now expanding, not by size but by the runny, dark crimson that seeped so softly out of them. And trickled down, along the salty streams she sometimes shed. She thought of it as if it was cleansing her soul. The more the better.

That's why Kena loved to watch as much as she loved to feel. As it slowly released her anguish, the pain, was always minimized by how good it all looked. Thick, rough and inked skin, scarred forever by those streaks. As if she was her own calendar, the days she lived and, ironically, the days she almost ended it, were all there imprinted onto her.

It wasn't scary, to let go. Yet she still found it strange why every time her fingers, instead of diving deep, always lifted off and resisted that temptation. Selfishness was always there, Kena never cared about who and what she'll be leaving. Mainly because Kena was only Kena. On her own. Alone.

Yet, under a thick curtain of gloom and vast grayness. Near her place, in a state of hazy chaos. Kena, and her heart, didn't realize what they had caught and stumbled upon. When that eye, gray and as dark as the skies were, flickered and locked into hers. Awakening that invisible, weaved from sorrow, string between them...

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