Chapter 5

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Donnie's POV:

Everything started making more since, but at the same time nothing did at all. I have to talk to Splinter!

I quickly walked into the dojo knowing that he would be there meditating under the beautiful tree in the middle of the dojo. Right when I walked in he could since that something was wrong. His warm eyes locked with my reddish brown ones and without saying anything, he knew.

"I never told you this my son... I never thought you boys could handle it but you are older now and I trust you will. Karai and Morgan were twins but they got seperated. After the girls were born we had to separate both of them by driving different cars. My wife's car had all the baby supplies still in it so there was no room for Morgan and I. On our way home I would play with her to make her laugh. For a few seconds I looked at her and spaced off, but I never saw the black van coming towards us in full speed. It hid the side of our car... The side she was on. Then another one hit my side. Our car rolled over and all I could think about was of her. Once we stopped rolling I grabbed Morgan as fast as I could and held her tighter than I have ever held anything in my life, scared that if I loosened my grip I would lose her... and surely I was right." Splinter took a break and whipped a tear from his face.

"As... As I kicked the door open to get out something grabbed my foot and dragged me out. I tried my best to fight them off but in the process Morgan was taken from me. They put mutagen in my knock and ran off but I didn't change into anything... I just got... got a feeling.. like I always had something with me. Till this day I never knew what it was tell now. My whole life I would get very ill then heal and be as healthy as can be the next day."

I whipped a tear from my eye and sniffled. "I know what you mean. May I say? If I'm incorrect you may correct me." Splinter smiled sadly and nodded his head yes. "So Morgan was injected too and all this time your guys spirits were connected. So every time she got very ill or hurt badly you got very well and even became more.. lively. Then when you got hurt or I'll she became how you are now? Am I right?" Splinter again nodded his head. "Wait what would happen if you got hurt now? Would she wake?"

"It's not that simple my son. She has never died fully. But she is still dead. The only way is to make our connection stronger by giving her your new medicine to fix her." I looked at him confused. "But she should get better if you are ill?!" Splinter shook his head. "She is partly dead. I would have to to be in her condition for that to happen. There is no true way of actually killing us both. The only way it to kill us at the same time." I scared knowing that someday we will have to kill Morgan and Splinter.... but when the time comes we have to be prepaired. "If you need help I will help you... what ever you wish." I assured him. He looked at me sadly "I shall not put you threw all of that my son! We will find an easier time but please, let's not mention this to Leo... just go bring his fiance back.... my daughter back. I need to speak with her." I nodded and was about to head out but turned around.

"What will happen to you? Are you gonna get sick again?" He chuckled as if it was a dumb question. "No my won, I will for a little but until her body gets used to it we will both equal out and be the same."

"Well.... okay." I smiled a little and left to get Charlie.

Gwen's POV:

Morgan is Splinters daughter! After eavesdropping on Donnie and Splinters whole conversation I made sure That Donnie left before I was about to jump out of the tree. Just as I was about to jump Splinter laughed and looked at me. "It is not nice to eavesdrop Miss. Krause." My face flushed red and I laughed in embarrassment. I rubbed my neck "you knew I was here?!" He laughed again and responded "Of course. I may be old but I can definitely tell when I have another presence with me." I laughed and hopped down from the tree. "So who was it Morgan lived with all these years if it wasn't her real parents?" Master Splinter stroked his be a red and pondered on my question. "I believe it was your real aunt and uncle that the footclan have known a long time." I looked at him amazed "wow.... that's awesome!" He chuckled at me and nodded "Indeed it is."

"Well I'm gonna go talk to Mikey and Emma. I'll be back!" I shouted to Splinter as I ran outside the dojo. He sighed "Kids"



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