Chapter 1

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Gwen's POV:

"Let's go home." Leo ordered as he carried Morgan out to the front door.

All of us watched Leo walk until Donnie went after him. He grabbed Leo's shoulder and turned him around. It broke my heart when I saw Leo collapsed on the ground and start sobbing. Donnie patted his back and was taking to him while Leo just nodded his head.

Raph waddled over to me and rubbed my back. I quickly turned around and hugged him, then I started crying. "It'll be okay." Raph whispered in my ear. We stayed like this for a minute until we heard the Donnie coming back inside.

"We are gonna stay here for a few days until we can figure out a way to go home." Donnie informed us.

"Where's Leo?" I questioned.

"He... uhh...wanted some time to clear his head." Donnie said a bit confused himself.

"What about Morgan?" Charlie asked.

"What do you mean?" Don asked while approaching his girlfriend.

"She died right? What are we gonna do?"

Donnie's face dropped and he had an uneasy look in his eye. "Leo doesn't want us to bury her... He wants us to find a way to bring her back."

"But that's impossible! That also gives us a limited amount of time before her body decays! Had he gone mad?" I yelled at this outrageous plan of theirs.

"Well you try telling Leo that!" Donnie shouted back. I was about to say something but I just couldn't find the words. A stray tear rolled down my face.

"Look Gwen, he is just going threw a hard time right now and won't listen to a word anyone says. The best we can do is try." Donnie said in a sad tone.

"Well he isn't the only one you know. Morgan was my cousin and my best friend! She was the only family i had left and nobody misses her more than I do! So don't you dare say he is the only one going threw a really hard time right now!" I stormed out of the house and ran down the long gravel road until I got to an old pond with a small bridge over it. I sat on the bridge and let my feet dangle in the water.

I looked at all the scares on my legs then looked at my reflection in the water and saw the matching scar acrossed mine and Morgan's chest. I thought of everything that happened that day and on the way here. My eyes became clouded with tears and I let them fall.

I heard foot steps coming near me but I didn't care enough to look at who it was. Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder and someone sit by me. I looked over and saw it was Leo. His eyes were blood shot and had a tear stained face.

"I'm sorry." Leo whispered and kicked the water.

"It'll be fine. I'm sorry for you too." I rubbed his shell to comfort him. Leo gave me a small smile but it was quickly replaced by more tears.

Leo sniffled then spoke softly "She would have been a beautiful bride." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Did... did she tell you to promise her something?" He questioned. I looked at him sadly then again nodded my head.

"She wanted me to tell you to find someone who will make you happy and to find someone who will love you as much as she does." He whipped his tear away then replied. "That's what Morgan told me before she... " Leo trailed off and looked into the distance.
"Where is she now?" I asked

"I layed her in shell razor." I again nodded my head.

"We should head back is getting dark." Leo stood up and stuck his hand or for me to take. I grabbed his hand and stood up then we both walked at our own pace back to the house.

When we got there everyone was sitting in the living room by the white brick fire place. Raph was the first to stand up and cine over to us. He picked me up and fireman carried me upstairs.

"Hey put me down!" I hissed while hitting the back of his shell but he kept walking. We reached the end of the hall and went into the matter bedroom. Raph threw me on the bed then started to pace the room.

"What's up?" I questioned a little frustrated.

"Tomorrow you are leaving with the girls to New York. Donnie will be with you guys but he will look a little different."

"What! Why are we-" Raph interrupted me. "Donnie invented a human watch for all of us do he will be wearing his to go on the plane with you guys."

"Then why aren't you coming?" I asked

"We need to take care of dime business before we leave." I knew exactly what Raph ment and there is no easy I'm letting him do it alone.

"Oh heck no! Not without me your not."I stated. He turned around and looked at me. "Your going on that plane and there is no way your backing out if this and that's final!" Raph growled.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I hissed back at him.


"I'm done." I got up and started walking towards the door but Raph grabbed my arm and spun me around. "I'm not finished taking to you!" I shook out of his grip and stomped out the door. Before I closed it i looked at him "Well I'm done talking to you!" I saw the anger in Raph's eyes start to boil but before he could do anything I slammed the door and ran downstairs.
I walked in the living room and looked at everyone. "We're leaving now!"

They all looked at me startled by my presence. "But we aren't speed to leave tell tomorrow." Donnie stood up and protested. "Plans have changed now let's go." They did as i wad told and hurried out the door. Right when i was about to close the door I heard Raph running towards us "Get your sweet ass back in here!" He yelled.

I turned around and yelled back at him "You can't tell me what to do!" With that said I ran to the shell razor and took off. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Raph chasing us. Then he stopped and fell to his knees looked up to the sky and screamed in frustration.

A tear rolled down my face so I quickly whipped it away and drove faster.

By far the worst day of my life and it just keeps getting better and better.


I hope you like it!

I love you all and goodnight lovelys!


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