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A series of Rei being a *blank* to *blank* members

- Rei being a mother to the 97' -

During their "Power of love" tour rehearsals the group was practicing unit performances, Mingyu, Minghao and Dk were particularly tired and weren't giving their all.

Rei noticed this as asked them if they needed anything, they all said no but Rei had a gut feeling that they weren't being truthful. Rei continued to "monitor" them throughout rehearsals until all of a sudden Minghao collapsed on the ground.

Rei rushed over and helped him up and asked " oh my oh my, is anything wrong, do you need water? how about any food, are you all okay? Mingyu? Dk? how about I get you som-" when Minghao cut her off saying "i'm okay don't worry" with a reassuring smile. Although she wasn't 100% sure she still helped him up and took him to a couch for some rest.

- Rei being a teacher to the maknae line -

As we all know Seventeen is known for their astonishing performances, with amazing performances comes tremendous hard work. As the group was preparing for their pre-release, Hit (one of their hardest choreographies) the maknaes were kind of stuck on the chorus and refrain part.

Dino was trying his best to help Seungkwan and Vernon but everything was just too stressful. Rei saw this and came over to help out, luckily her explanation was really helpful not only for the maknaes but also for the other members watching. Till this day "Teacher Rei" is a running joke within the group because of how seriously she was teaching the dance.

- Rei being a girlfriend to the 95' -

Now, obviously Rei wasn't actually being a girlfriend nor did she have any romantic interaction with them, She was just looking after them as a s/o would (without the romantic part.)

S.coups, Jeonghan and Joshua were going out for ice cream after their long recording of the Heng:garae album. As they were about to exit Rei came up and said "ooo where you going, i wanna come toooo" and of course they all said yes because they obviously couldn't say no to Rei, Rei is indeed very loved.

After reaching the ice cream shop they stood in the line waiting patiently to order, just when a girl came up to Jeonghan asking for his number, Rei immediately replied for him "no sorry he can't" to which both jeonghan and the girl were surprised by. Of course with the three boys there the girl couldn't just ask for jeonghans number, she also tried her chance with S.coups and Joshua but again, Rei replied with a simple "nope"

The boys were quite flustered and taken aback by her sweet action but proceeded with their night. As they were eating the ice cream Jeonghan jokingly said "this is like a date haha" while they all awkwardly laughed but seemed to internally agree.

- Rei being a bestfriend to Wonwoo -

Wonwoo loves video games, that is widely known. But no one in the group was ever as interested in the games as he was, well that was until Rei developed an interest for them.

Whenever Wonwoo played his games Rei would always watch intently. One day Wonwoo finally asked her if she wanted him to teach her and she agreed. After teaching him how to play Overwatch they played together and to Wonwoos and Reis' surprise, Rei ended up winning. Ever since they've been playing games, hanging out more often, getting closer and all that.

Wonwoo also admitted that ever since that little bonding moment they've hung out a lot more and he trusts her more than ever before.

- Rei being a little sister to the 96' -

Rei is older than all of the 96 liners as she was born in March of 1996, but time to time they think she is like a little sister to them.

A great example of this is when the 5 of them were at an amusement park and Rei was really scared to go on a rollercoaster but herself, she isn't normally scared of heights but this rollercoaster will scare the best of the best. The boys were too scared to even look at the rollercoaster so they dared Rei to try it out.

She was so scared that she almost cried as she was moving up the line. This made them all so sad, they would never let any of their members cry over something like this so they all went over to inform Rei that they too would be going with her.

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