𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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reis pov:

yes, unfortunately it's that week of the month. the week where i suffer.

i was laying in bed when hoshi shouted "REI GET DOWN" i decided to wait a few minutes because my stomach wasn't very fond of the idea of getting up and out of bed.

I got out of bed and the pain rushed to my stomach but I unwillingly had to go downstairs to meet the boys

I greeted everyone good morning and saw how happy they all were which automatically made me feel better

i decided to skip breakfast, bad move i know but i just wasn't feeling that hungry.

"rei, if you don't eat you will get sick" hoshi said

"but i'm not hungry" i replied

"if you say so, but don't ask us to get you food later because you've already denied it" jun said while yawing and i shrugged my shoulders

*time skip*

we were all at dance practice but because of my horrible cramps i couldn't dance with full energy. i guess wonwoo noticed that and decided to yell at me for "not having enough stamina"

"look at her, she keeps messing up why aren't any of you scolding her like your scold me?" wonwoo said

"HEY! that's not fair" i said trying to gain some type of sympathy and i guess it worked. "don't yell at her she's probably tired" joshua defended me [like always]

"but we're all tired, rei just do it once more" hoshi said. my cramps weren't very fond of the idea of dancing again so i just sat down

"GET UP!" "we're all tired so you're no special" "stop being dramatic rei" they all shouted but what made me the most upset was when joshua also shouted

"REI STOP BEING A BABY WE ARE ALL TIRED SO GET UP!" i was startled because he had never yelled at me, or anyone for that matter

me being me i decided to fight back.

"let me repeatedly kick your stomach so you feel the pain i feel" i said as i looked joshua in the eye and smiling

he came up to me and sat "why are you being so dramatic huh" he said ad everyone followed and asked more useless questions

i was honestly so done with them so i just left the practice room

"just go sit at home then." he said as i walked out

and there i was, crying as i walked home in the rain. wasn't crying because they were being mean, i was crying cus 1. my stomach was killing me and 2. joshua somehow got mad at me which never happens

it's not that big of a deal anyways

seventeen (the boys) pov:

"don't you think you guys were a little too harsh?" dino said

"she's being lazy" jeonghan said

"yeah you guys were harsh" sejin said as she barged through the door

"you made her walk in the rain like that" she said aching his eyebrows

"what do you mean by 'like that?'" seungcheol said

"anyone want to remind me what week of the month it is?" sejin said, what does she mean by that?

"the 3rd week of the month?" seungcheol replied and everyone nodded

"and what happens on the third week of the month?" she asked once again

none of us could answer that

"you guys are useless right now" sejin said as we all shrugged

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