Ice raises a brow. There was something she was missing, something in her father's eyes tells her that. He types: it wasn't his fault. I told him not to.

"Wha— wait, wait, why!"

He tells her: you and Oaklynn were young and traumatized just by the events that happened with your mother.

"Don't call her that, dad. Sarah is my mom."

He smiles and continues: he didn't know she was pregnant when he left. He didn't know until he got back and the damage was already done. You two believed you didn't have a father, not one that lived you anyways. I had to explain the circumstances to him. He didn't want to burden you, he didn't want you to think he'd do the same as she did. He willingly signed over his rights to me and Sarah.

Her eyes widen. She swallows hard wrapping her head around the information. If the timing wasn't bad enough.

"I'm thirty, w-why wasn't I told this sooner?"

"You never gave us the chance," he says. With a small laugh he explains, "you're more like him than you know. You were reckless but determined. You had a heart of gold and an ego in the air." She looks at him almost offended. He lifts a finger preventing her from interrupting. "You are more like your father than you know. He always had the need for speed, that adrenaline you get when you fly when you take on a mission..." he clears his throat once more sounding more hoarse, "it's not just your personality it's in your blood. There's nothing wrong with that."

She rakes a shaky hand through her hair. "I-I know. I've been wrong about him this whole time." They sit in silence looking saddened. She sees a familiar glint in his eyes when comparing the two of them. For the longest time she despised Maverick, now she doesn't mind the comparison all that much. Though she knows she's hiding him. "You're still my dad and I know you. This isn't just about Maverick, is it?"

Tired of talking he turns back to the computer: this is his last post as Captain, as a pilot. I held onto him as long as I could, but I can't anymore.

Finley sighs looking down at the wooden floors. She whispers, "what do you want from me?"

He smirks: keep an eye on him. Keep him out of trouble.

She scoffs, "easier said than done. Come on, you know him, trouble always finds him."

Or he finds it, Ice types. He adds: Bradley, Robert, my brothers, they're here for you. Connect with them, Finley.

She nods leaning forward and kissing him on the cheek. He tries to stand but needs help from her. She hugs him tightly, the tears inching toward the corner of her eyes. "I love you, dad."

"I love you, too, my little Moonlight."

She smiles kindly at him. Reluctantly she leaves the room heading down to the living area. Dylan and Oaklynn are talking.

"I didn't think I'd be seeing you here anytime soon."

Oaklynn ahead snaps to her. It's shorter than she remembers, still fluffy as fuck. His green eyes were identical to hers, Oaklynn being taller than it always bugged her.

"I hate that you're a tree."

"I'm not that much taller than you."

"Thankfully I'm the oldest twin," she smirks. "That and I got the brains."

He hums sarcastically. "Are you sure you have brains in there? I was certain you were always getting into trouble."

She shrugs, "what can I say, it's in my blood."

"Fuck off you midget."

She gasps, "mom! Oaklynn is calling me names!"

Sarah yells from the kitchen, "quite your bickering or you won't be invited back! For god sake you're adults, act like it!"

Finley shrugs grinning up at her brother. "I'm assuming you're here for the same reason?"

Oaklynn nods, "I found out just before you came. I don't think I was that stubborn until mom brought me back down memory lane," he shudders, "ew, I hate me."

"I hate me too. Look, we really are twins!"

"Are you two done yet?"

They look over at their older brother. They glance at each other and then back at him. "Nah."

One thing that always pissed Dylan off is what he likes to call the twin effect. You can wear the same clothes, and have the same hair and eyes, but what annoys him the most is talking at the same time. Pissing him off is their favorite pastime.

Dylan rolls his eyes. "I thought you're supposed to be training people."

"Eh, Maverick has today covered. I'm apparently meeting with admirals today." Her phone buzzes dozens of times. It appears Rooster and Maverick took training a bit too far. They went below the hard deck and now it sounds like Maverick is getting chewed out by it. At least, that's what her husband and a new friend are saying. "And kicking Bradley and Maverick's asses later on. Anyways, what are you still doing here? I thought you were do back in San Diego?"

Dylan shrugs, "you guys are family and this is a family matter. I've been offered a room here. I promise I'm not leaving you guys at a time like this."

"I appreciate the sympathy," the twins say.

"God, you both irritate me when you do that. Well, Fin, what do you have planned later?"

She sighs, "well I have to leave to see Bates and Simpson. After that, who knows? Maybe I'll hijack a jet and go for a night ride."

Oaklynn raises a brow at her. "Everyone's entitled to act stupid once in a while, but you really abuse the privilege."

"I wouldn't be me if I didn't now would I?"

"Get out of here." Oaklynn and Dylan push her towards the door as she laughs.

Though her mind could t stop thinking about one thing. Some day soon her dad will be gone. She doesn't know what she's going to do when that happens.

Untamed Flame || R. FloydWhere stories live. Discover now