''That doesn't mean I didn't hurt her and that doesn't mean there's a place for me in her life anymore.'' I didn't want to think it, but it was true. And at the bottom line I knew that it was too late.

She was my mate, my once-in-forever, my soul mate that a Wolf couldn't live without.

But she was our Bumble Bee.

The girl that ran after us with scraped knees and that I had fallen in love with, before reality hit like a truck that I had to fix somethings in our world to make a way for us. To make a way for us to be together.

I was back now. I had found a way for my human mate to be with me in the shifter world, and now I had to get her back if she'd let me. Because she always came first, even if I was half the world away.

''It's been years, and when she finds out about everything... she's gonna hate all of us for keeping it from her for so long. That her and I are mates, that we're fucking wolves, that the whole town is full of Werewolves-- should I go on?" I bit at my friends bitterly.

I'd lose her more than I already had after all these years. I'd lose Bee for good when she found out all the lies we'd told her— that I'd told her.

''She's usually not pissed at us when we come back, she's always... so happy to see us back that she let's it all go,'' Kal sighed as he glanced around the kitchen we stood in, as if looking for his little sister to suddenly appear. ''We don't deserve it, but I think she'd come to understand if we just told her the honest, real reason we're always leaving.''

''You wanna start by shifting into a wolf and scaring the shit out of her?" Ansel asked dryly. ''Bet that would go over real well.''

I rolled my eyes as they snickered at the thought of scaring their sister.

We all knew the fireball was harder to scare than that, but man could she scream when you did get her good... I fought the smile that surfaced as I thought of a particular time when we'd been dating and I'd managed to scare her. She'd screamed louder than a banshee and punched my shoulder for good measure afterwards too.

Hell, she was 23 now... I wondered if her reaction would be at least close to what it used to be.

We had called her our Bumble Bee for a reason after all.

A itch in the back of my mind let me know that someone in the pack was trying to mind-link me, something only full-shifting members of the pack were able to do. The feeling was more like someone knocking on the wall to my mind that I had to open for them to come in.

Conversations could be held through mind-linking or even just messages, be it images or words, and it could go to only the Alpha, Beta, or to the entire pack. This one was meant just for me.

'Alpha, there's a situation with Ansel and Kal's sister,' Marcus, one of the newer wolves in our pack that was assigned to watch Bee, sent to me.

'What is it?' I sent to him along with a loud snarl.

I wasn't in the mood to hear someone complain about my girl, she had a fiery streak in her and quite the impressive record for vandalism and rule-breaking. Despite that fact, she held jobs down and worked hard and made her way. I knew it was because she was too fucking stubborn to accept help from anyone or take any of the money her brothers and I sent her frequently.

I still remembered Ansel and Kal's faces when we'd stopped back by again the last time, we'd heard the reports of the unsafe old house Bee was refusing to leave and still living in. We'd sent her money to buy a new place and afford movers (but we had planned to call in pack members to help with any moving). My parents had been trying to convince her to stay with them for the longest time.

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