8. Carlos and Action Man

Start from the beginning

Stop it Niall it's probably noting she probably just wants to talk about a prank she's going to pull.

Brushing it off I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

*Sam's POV*

I sit on my bed trying to pull of the best happy face I can but its just not happening, that dream rattled me pretty good. But it also made me realize something.

Louis walks through the door and I see a glimpse of Niall standing there he looked kind of worried. Louis shuts the door and comes and sits on my bed crossing his legs and sitting I front of me.

"Why so glum chum?" Louis questions.

"Louis I need to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Especially Niall." I say.

"Promise. So what's up?

What's the 411?

What's going down clown?

What's the story morning glory?

What's up buttercup?

What's cooking good looking?

What's up pup?


"Louis are you done?"

"Oh! What's new little miss blue? Get it? Blue... because your sad. No? Ok just tell me what wrong."

I didn't think it would be this hard to actually come out and say it especially because once I do I'm going to have to face my feeling and they become true.

"I like Niall." I say covering it with a cough trying to cover it up.

"What was that?"

"I said. I like Niall." This Time I whisper it and pretended I was scratching my lip, trying to cover it up.

Louis sighed, "Fine if your not gonna tell me ill just leave." He got off the bed and started walking to the door.

"No! Ok ok ill tell you just come and sit back down." I say as he walked back towards the bed sitting down and crossing his legs.

I breath in and out deeply, "I like Niall," I look at him and he doesn't even look surprised just staring at me.

"Louis I like like Niall."

Still the same expression.

"Sam why did you drag me in here to tell me something I already know?"

"Because I- wait you know? How I haven't told anyone." I question partly in shock.

Louis stands up and starts pacing my room.

"Sam Sam Sam. I see the way you look at him and talk to him. And don't even get me started in the way you act around him. You'd have to be stupid not to notice it!"

"Louis it's worse. I. I think Im in love with him." I say putting but head down.

Louis stops his pacing abruptly and looks at me.

"Really!" He says a little too excitedly.

I just nod.

"We'll I think you should tell him." He says as if its the simplest thing in the world.

Trust me it's not.

"What no I can't do that!" I say falling back on my bed.

"And why not?" He asks sitting back down on my bed.

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