Christmas in The Jailhouse

Start from the beginning

"No use, psh." Dad said sarcastically.

"Wait Dad, we also have more stuff we want to show you." Charlie handed the hat back to Dad and he put it on his head. "I gotta show you the Radar-jamming jingle bells, snow screen, DC-10 alert and air freshener." Charlie flipped through some of the features. I was impressed that he remembered where everything was.

"Wow," Dad raised his eyebrows, quite impressed also.

"And, most important of all," I reached over Charlie, "A CD,"

"Compact Disc," Dad nodded, liking the idea of rocking out to his music while flying.

"No!" Charlie laughed. We had specifically planned to call it a CD since we thought it was sort of smart. "Cookie/Cocoa dispenser." Charlie answered smartly.

"Cookie pops out warm, and we also installed warmers for the cup holders," I pointed to the orange glowing pads under the mugs.

"Wow, you guys thought of everything," Dad smiled, "I have to say, how could I have done this without you guys?"

"You couldn't!" Charlie and I answered together, both of us laughing.

The three of us made it to our first stop, then the second, and so on. We flew through portal after portal, faster than the speed of light. Near the end of the night, we finally got to Lakeside, our last town. When we landed on the roof of Sarah's house, the little girl we last visited last year, I actually looked forward to seeing if she was still waiting up to see us. Of course, there she was, asleep on the couch. The two of us started unloading presents, while I kept my eye, and ear on everything.

That night alone the two of us had gotten into a few sticky situations, but I managed to get us out of them. Being an elf had many perks actually, especially now on Christmas Eve. My ears were more sensitive to sound, so I could sense footsteps from the other side of the house. Nothing really snuck up on us anymore.

If anything, the things we ran into were mostly rogue dogs, conspiracy theorists with Santa traps, and children hiding behind their Christmas trees trying to get a peek at us. I loved seeing the children mostly, hearing their excitement about Christmas and Santa.

Even so, I was glad Charlie didn't come with us down because we also saw our fill of... "Christmas festivities"... in other words, the couples who drank too much and got a little carried away on the couch. Ugh, and don't get me started on the amount of single middle-aged ladies waiting for us... well, Dad to come down the chimney... if you know what I mean. Even though I may have altered their memories to forget us, there's that reminder in my head that Santa has seen... countless naked people and we just made them forget about it. Sure, they may have slept peacefully in ignorant bliss, but it will forever be burnt in our memories.

Thankfully, nobody else was awake at Sarah's house. We were about to head back up the chimney, but Dad paused to fix Sarah's blanket. She stirred slightly, turning to open her eyes at us. Dad smiled softly and shushed her, which was a big polar opposite to how he acted last year. Sarah smiled back up at us, waving with her hand peeking out of the blanket.

"You're fatter this year," She said to Dad.

"Thank you very much, you've grown too." Dad responded earnestly, while I tried not to chuckle.

"And you, you aren't actually Mrs. Claus, are you?" She looked at me curiously. "You don't look like you did last year."

"No hon, that's what I've been saying all along." I laughed. "I'm an elf, I get to help Santa help deliver presents all over the world."

"Wow..." She smiled.

"And you were a very good girl this year," Dad smiled.

"But you need to go back to sleep, alright?" I put a hand on her shoulder.

The Workshop: A "The Santa Clause" Fanfiction. (Bernard x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now