Devotion (Part 4)/Small Update

Start from the beginning

Tom taken by surprise looks to his left, Jesse does the same as he sees the plane. This plane has no propellers and its wings have a curved shape.

"What the hell? That's an interesting design.." Graf Zeppelin says

"It's a MiG!" Jesse yells as the plane begins to circle

"Koenig, take Goode and Lavery. Stay on the AA" Tom says

"We're on it" Bill says

"Jesse, break left. Let's hose this guy" Tom says

"Roger that" Jesse says as they break away to deal with the MiG

"Happy hunting" Marty says

"It's Bo time" Bo says

The tense music continues, the pilots are near their targets. After a while Bill, Marty, and Bo lock on, and they fire their missiles. The missiles go to their respective targets as almost each AA nearby is immediately quieted.

"That's certainly useful, I think we should try to make those" Bismarck says

"It would make all of our jobs certainly easier" Junyou says

"Three good hits. Coming around for another run for the AA" Bill states

Scene changes to Jesse and Tom who are flying trying to find the MiG

"You see him?" Tom asks

"Negative, I got nothing" Jesse replies

They continue flying for a while, but little did they know the MiG was right behind them as it begins to shoot at them

"Bandit high!" Jesse yells looking up

"Huh?" Tom asks

"Bandit high, break!" Jesse yells as the two planes break apart, the MiG decides to follow Jesse

"That was close.." Belfast says

The MiG follows Jesse as it tries to shoot him down.

"Tom, he's on me pretty good! Gonna bring him to you through the canyon!" Jesse yells as we see Tom's plane circling

"I saw we show him the lighthouse. Meet me in the middle" Tom says

Scene changes back to the other pilots as they shoot their missiles to the rest of the AA

"Enemy AA is silenced. I repeat, enemy AA is silenced" Bill says

"Copy flight leader. Approaching target now" A skyraider pilot says

Scene changes back to Jesse, the MiG is still trying to shoot at him but misses every shot. Some of those shoots being close but Jesse manages to evade.

"Okay, I have a visual on you. Break right, up and hard on my call" Tom says

"Roger that" Jesse says

We see Tom's plane nearby, as the planes arrive in the middle.

"Ready. Set. Hit it!" Tom yells as Jesse goes up while the MiG follows. Tom sees this, as he pulls up as well and shoots the MiG just in time.

"Whoo!" Tom yells as he laughs

Most of the shipgirls cheer

"Looks like the things Jesse told him when they first flew together came in use" Illustrious says

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