🍼❤️💛A Gryffinpuff baby! 🍼❤️💛

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I nod "that was the plan, but we aren't having anymore for a while." He nods taking my hands in his and bringing them up to his lips and kisses them. Draco brings melody back in. "Congratulations sweetie and you too James" we both tell him thank you "Have we picked out a name?" We both nod Melody James Potter...um Draco could I ask you something?" He nods and walk over to me hading me my baby. I look down and stare at her for a second. She had my brown hair and James eyes. After a moment I saw James staring at us "do you want to hold her?" He nods taking her into his arms. "Draco would you like to be her grandfather along with Harry? Since I've became friends with scorp you took me in and became a father figure to me an I.." my voice cracks, he smiles and leans over kissing my forehead "of course darling and you will be pleased to know that your furry problem didn't transfer to her." I sigh in relief "thank you, but awe man that means that now I'll have to transform into Luna." I couldn't do it while I was pregnant. "Thank you daddy!" He smiles kissing my temple. It was really quiet we both look over to see James and Melody asleep.

The rest of that day Draco pondered in his head about something. While he was thinking, his son left his best friends hospital room to go check on his dad. "Hey dad!" Draco smiles at his son "hey scorp! Did you get to hold her?" He shakes his head no "Melody and James are still asleep, she said let them stay asleep, but I am guaranteed to hold her first when they wake up." Draco nods "son I need to talk to you about something.." Scorpius replied with a  concerned "okay?" Draco sighs "since your mother died I felt like something has been missing.. when I think about this i think it will help fill that hole that our family has. I wanted to ask what you think about me adopting your best friend. I mean she already lived with us. She's like a daughter to me and a sister to you. I just wanted to make it official. Blakely Malfoy?" Scorpius starts tearing up "I think that that's a great idea dad! Her birthday is in two days we can ask her then? Like  a birthday present!" Draco nods "you think she'll say yes?" Scorpius smiles to his father "I know she'll say yes!"

A couple days later it was my birthday, we all sat around Malfoy manor. They had pastel pink and pastel purple balloons and rose cake. I told them I didn't want anything big this year. Melody and I were opening my birthday gifts. I had strict orders to save James and the Malfoy's for last. So far I got a months worth of massages from Ginny and Harry, a book and a bunch of different candies from Lily and Albus, Teddy and Atlas made me a coupon book that had different things in it, some for the bedroom, some for best friend nights/days, some for James to do around the house, etc. when I finally got to Scorpius and Draco's I stopped it was a beautiful emerald green wrapping and a yellow bow. I look over at Draco and unwrap it. I look down at the frame, it was adoption papers to adopt me? I look at them with tears in my eyes. I hand melody to James and walk over to Draco hugging him. Scorpius left his boyfriend on the couch and went over to join the family hug. I cry into Draco's arms "yes I would love that. Your already my dad so making it official will be a blessing." He smiles kissing my temple. "I want to sign it now!" I run over and grab the box. There was a pen already in there too. I sign my name with a smile on my face as I felt the Malfoy magic sink in. "Welcome to the family B!" Scorpius runs over hugging me again. I giggle in his arms happy that I have a family again. "There's still one more gift..." I look over to James who gets up and walks to the other room with Draco and scorp. Holding my baby in my arms I ask her "what does daddy have planned huh?"

In Draco's home office "I want to ask your daughter for her hand in marriage? With your blessing of course sir. I was going to ask you before you had the adoption papers, but I'll have to ask you as  her dad today. May I have your blessing to make her my wife." Scorpius looks to Draco excited. "Yes you do, but don't go too fast with the wedding. You guys have a baby to take care of too."

James smiles and shakes Draco's hand. "Thank you Draco." The bleach blonde haired father smiles at the boy he used to see who has now grown up as a man. "Your welcome James. Treat my little girl right, you understand me?" James nods and looks over at his future brother in law. "I'm marrying your sister bro!" Draco smiles "she has to say yes first James." Scorpius laughs at his fathers attempt to scare James "she'll say yes dad."

They walk out and heard the baby cry. "I'll be right back I'm going to go change her." I almost got up before James stopped me. "I got her you sit." I nod as he takes her away with Scorpius following. My dad comes and sits beside me holding me close in a side hug. "I love you Blakey" he says kissing my temple "I love you too dad."

James and Scorpius change her nappy and change her outfit that is a little onesie that says "mommy will you marry daddy?" James smiles at his daughter. "Let's go get your momma to say yes hmm!" He picks up the giggling baby and walks out the room with Scorpius right behind him. James notices that Draco is now sitting beside her so he sits on the opposite side of the room, in the chair in front  of her. She smiles at him as he hands her melody.

"Where's your gift James?" Teddy asks "she has to find it." I look at him confused "okay?" I begin to look around the room with melody and I stop when I see a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a card, it was from melody. I look to my daughter and smile "happy birthday mommy! On this very special day of yours, I wish for your face to always be lit up by a smile and for your heart to always over flow with joy and happiness. You deserve it, because you are the most wonderful person i have ever know. Love always your baby girl."  I feel tears run down my face as I read it. It was so cute! I turn back to my baby and noticed she has a new outfit on, James must of had changed her.

I walk back in to the living room where everyone was "I loved the card and flowers thank you honey!" James chuckles "that wasn't from me that was from melody. "I know, but still thank you." He smirks "you haven't found my gift yet?" I shake my head no "I haven't but did she nasty another outfit? This little onesie is one that I've never..." I look down and read what that onesie says. Oh my gosh I look up into his eyes and he nods. "This was your gift?" He nods again "what is it?" Teddy asks. He walks over taking my hands "When I first met you, I knew you were the one. Unfortunately you had eyes for someone else at the time." I laugh and shake my head "then the day your wrote that song with Scorpius I knew I had to make you mine." He sniffs and I squeeze his hand, he looks up at me with a smile "when you finally said yes to be my girl I was ecstatic! The girl of my dreams had finally said yes to me. We went on dates, walks, and other things couples do. We have had so many adventures together, until one day about nine months ago you weren't coming out of the bathroom. I was so nervous and worried. Then a few days later you told everyone including myself that I was going to be a father to the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. I've asked your father and brother a really important question today..." I look up and look at Scorpius and dad "now I get to ask you.." he gets down on one knee, everyone but my dad and brother gasps. "Blakely Malfoy.. will you do me the honor of putting Potter to your last name and becoming my wife?" I nod as he slides the ring on and kisses me. He hugs melody and I close "we're getting married!" I giggle and kiss his lips again.

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