19.Routine Check-up💉

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Al: Seriously it's just an injection manik

They all chuckle and laugh at how Manik is afraid and This Just didn't went well with manik.
Nur: Sir Your are a grown Up Man It will mot harm you infact you will nit even feel that.

Listening her Manik just lose his calm he don't like all this and he hates injection and more them that he hates if someone address it that he is afraid pf it he just don't like it that's why nandu Jigar and Asha always say why you hate that poor thing and he shows them.loys of tantrums at the end they somehow mange to take his blood but this just made him supper angry. And in anger he just took the showpiece beside his sofa and smash it on the glass table die to the noise nandu jigar and asha run towards the hall.

Ma(Full Anger):Just Shutup I Already Said I don't want this Means I don't want Just Fuck off You Bloody Piece..

Nan: Maniii

Manik stop and run his finger in his hairs harshly

Nan: Nurse I told You all I will myself take his blood who ask you to take his blood.

Nur(crying): He was last so i just thought you told to not leave any memeber so

Nan: I am sorry on his behalf that's why i told you to take all family members and i will take his you mist haven't listen me properly but it's okay you are not at fault Is Everyone okay.

She ask seeing the shattered glass.

C: Yeah We are okay

Nan: Okay Just relax and you all leave i will send his blood.

Jig: What did you all said to him.

Al: Huh.

Ash: What huh He is asking you all must jave said something that he exploded like this.

D: We were just trying to make him understand that there is nothing to afraid of the injection its very small.

Jig: He is not Afraid Of it he just hate it. Right Manu.

Ma: Absolutely.

Nandu went towards him after sending her team and check if he is hurt they sat on the sofa and he lay down having his head in her lap. She crease his cheeks an ruffle his hairs and then kiss his forehead and He just relax under her touch and snuggle in her tummy.

Jig: This Boy Na.

Ash: What Dare you say anything about My Brother.

Jig: Bacha I can never understand when this bro-sis mode of these two on and when their enemy mode on Mad People.

Nan: Even I don't know Bhai these two are just crazy.

Ma: Stop calling is crazy We are just Unique and You Guyz are not that intelligent yet to understand us Right Doll.

Ash: absolutely Bhai and I don't think so they will ever be able too.

Ma: Mee too but it's okay we have to live with this.

Ash: Yeah Bhai What can we do When two super Intelligent people lost Infront of their heart.

Ma: Yeah Love Is blind Na Doll We Also got Blind in their love.

Ash: yeah absolutely right bhai.

While these two having their heart to heart conversation being supper dramatic Jigar and Nandu was just watching these two with disbelief look.

Jig: They are gone case But Now Its time for something else.

Manik listen this and in a sec he ran towards his room followed by jig nandu and asha.

So its their way to have him give his blood if they will succeed in cat hung him only them he will give blood and he enjoys it alot.

Manik Running around the bed while jigar trying to catch him and Nandu and Asha enjoys their chase becoz they are not allowed in that becoz one day when they all were catching manik Nandu and Asha was about to fall from the stairs but fortunately they balanced each other but their partners strictly warn them not to be the part of it next time.

Manik throws pillows towards jigar

Jig: Manu Kitna Bhagaye ga.

Ma: I am not doing anything you are just running behind me and having evil intentions. I am just doing self Defense.

Jigar also throw the pillow manik catches and runs while showing him his tongue.

Jig: Self Defense My Foot just wait you little boy.

Ma: Come Catch me Come Come.

And He throws two three pillows directly on his face and like this Jigar chase manik for 20 mins but couldn't able to catch him and Manik also feels dizzy both fell down on the bed Asha and Nandu gave water to them jigar drink water and he is normal. Manik didn't wake up from the bed Nandu sit on the bed he place his head on her lap.

Nan: what happened Baby.

Ma: Dizziness Jaan.

Nan: Its okay relax it will be fine that's why we were telling you to have this test we should know na if something is wrong or is it serious or not.

She ruffle his hairs and and signal asha and she took the injection and tie the band on his arms and took his blood
while nadu distract him with her wet Kisses on his face pecking his lips.Nandu made him drink some water.

Ash: All Done

Ma: Huh Jaan.

Nan: Yeshh Baby What happened.

Ma: You again distract me I won Na.

Ash: And that happened every single time you just made my husband hell tired Bachara My Jiguuu.

Ma: Doll what can i do if your husband has no stamina.

And he laugh hard.

Jig: Oh You Little Boy You Don't need to comment on my stamina Understood

Ma: Yeah yeah every single time you lose and say i don't need to comment on your stamina

Jig: Who said i run behind you to catch you.

Ma: what do you even mean Jigiiiiii

Jig: What I didn't say anything

Ma: You did

Jig: I didn't

Ma(whining): You did

Jig(chuckling): I didn't

Before Manik could say.

Nan: Okay Okay Fine Stop this and Baby You Have to say sorry to everyone this is not how you behave I know they must have joked about that but it was all in fun No one was Serious.

Ma: But You Know Na I don't like it when they say i was afraid you know i am not afraid and they laugh also.

Nan: Baby I know but just listen to me i know you jave given them chance and they didn't let you spend time with me but after that you didn't give them a second chance and Your this side I mean the real Manik is not known to them they don't know You that well this is all new to them you were not like this with them when they joked about anything with you but you are just drifting apart from them Sonu give them a chance give your friendship a chance they are trying you should also try like today they all left their work on just my one call and they all came to spend some time with you. And Don't be afraid they will not do anything bad.i know when someone fails you you get afraid to live that again but if they are trying and willing to set that right Give a Second Chance nothing bad in that.

Ma: I was afraid to give them chance i know i shouldn't be but my heart had a fear but I will give them a chance for you for me and for our friendship.

Nan: That's My Good Boy. So lets go and enjoy this day with family no one is going for work you were feeling dizzy baby lets not stress with work. Bhai you also its been long you jave taken off you are also stressing and working too much take some days off.

Jig: Okay As My Princess Wants.

They went down Manik said sorry to everyone for his behavior and they all spend the whole day doing Masti watching movies boards game ps4.

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