Chapter 1: Part 4

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Y/n: So what are we gonna do now?
Shawn: What do you want?

*biting his lips and looked at you*

Y/n: Huh?!


Shawn: I said what do you want?

*he realized something then he laughed*

Y/n: Aye.. that's not what I'm thinking about.
Shawn: About what?

*pretends he don't know*

Y/n: Nothing, never mind.
Shawn: Okay since you know a lot about me, maybe it's time for me to know you.
Y/n: How? Like where do I start?
Shawn: There!

*pointing at the bed*

Y/n: What?

Shawn puts the guitar on the table, he stretches his arms and legs then he lay down on the bed with his arms underneath his head.

Shawn: Come here!

*tapping the bed*

Y/n: No.. Shawn I never had a boyfriend, never had my first kiss and never had-

*he interrupts*

Shawn: What? I'm just asking you to lay here. It's not that comfortable there on the floor to have a long talk. You seriously thinking about it eh?


Y/n: Ugh! I'm so sorry, I feel embarrassed. Forget about it, just pretend I didn't say it.
Shawn: Fine, I'll forget what you were thinking. Ahaha..

You sat on the bed besides him. There's nothing to compare how comfortable you are with him, it feels like you've known each other for so long. You never imagined to spent the whole night in a same room just the two of you.

Shawn: Don't be shy, just keep talking I'll listen to you.
Y/n: Uhm okay, I'm 19 years old and I'm from Australia. Nothing is special about me, I'm just a regular girl with the most dramatic life.

*he nods at you to keep going*

Y/n: Well, I have anxiety. Gladly it's not that worst as much as before. Uhm.. I don't have much friends like yours, I have some but we don't really see each other anymore and then I have 5 internet best friends we talk a lot I mean a lot. We talk about you and our every day lives and we get used to it.
Shawn: Really? About me huh? Like what?

*he smiled*

Y/n: It's a secret ahaha.. But yeah because of you I found them. And I owe you that.
Shawn: I'm curious with that. So what about your family?
Y/n: My family?


Y/n: Well, I have 2 brothers we're not that close as much like everyone else maybe because I'm a girl they are boys but I'm jealous how you treat your sister.
Shawn: Awww..
Y/n: My dad used to work before but he got a surgery so my mom obliged herself to work for us. I love my mom so much she supports me all the time not like my dad. One time I told them I'll stop school for a year to work and save money for music school because that's my dream to become a producer some day like your team. But my dad don't want me to and mom just told me to do what's right, so I stopped school and got to work. She's very supportive to me. I wish I had a dad like yours. Ever since he didn't appreciate everything I did, one time I won in academic's, instead of congratulating me he told me it wasn't enough.

*teary eyes*

Y/n: I don't know but he always makes me feel like I don't belong to the family. My mom was like "just understand him no matter what he's still your dad" and I was like "that's what I'm doing".

He looks sad for you but you keep talking because his eyes are attached on you.

Y/n: Actually they didn't know about my anxiety. Before, when I had panic attacks I just locked myself in my room, if it was hard for me to breathe I'll just talk to my friends, I cry at night most of the time but when I listen to your songs they makes me feel so much better. My internet best friends knew about it and I think it didn't make me wrong to share it to them because they really care for me. Even though thousands of miles apart from us I feel them. I just want you to know you changed my life in a better way, I found myself because of you, I have amazing friends, thank you for everything. I love you Shawn.

You know there's no tears left for you to cry but Shawn sees how sad you are about everything.

Y/n: Okay let's forget about sad stuff. Anyways now I'm currently working at a grocery store morning for 5 hours and afternoon at music stores for 4 hours. I'm also a dog sitter during weekends and that was my favorite job ever.
Shawn: No way! Is that even a job? You get to play with puppies and you're getting paid for it? I wanna do that.
Y/n: Ahaha.. But you're allergic to dogs so that's a no for you. I think you know me now.
Shawn: Okay, last question. What do you want in your life right now?
Y/n: Just one thing.. To reach my dream and I know it's really impossible so never mind.
Shawn: Why are you saying that?
Y/n: Because I'm just accepting the truth.
Shawn: You will never know what future will bring for you. I trust the process, you should too.
Y/n: So do I.

Shawn stand from lying.

Shawn: Hey, I have to go now. You should sleep and get some rest.
Y/n: If I sleep I'll wake up missing you. You're leaving later right?
Shawn: Don't be sad I'll be back later, I promise.

He hug you so tight, your arms wrapped around his waist and his wrapped around your neck. At this moment you just want the clock stop from ticking because you know this won't happen again and knowing one day he might forget you.

To be continued...

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