Part 7

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Harry takes a deep breath walking down a dark corridor. Glancing back, he hopes Hermione can get back with Ron unconscious body. He was brave in helping them with the chess game but now, it is upto Harry to get the stone on his own. Rubbing his fingers, Harry makes it to the end finding someone completely different.

"Quirrel?" His voice turns the man around. "You're after the stone?"

"Yes my dear boy,"

"But Snape."

"Yes he does seems like it but he has been constantly trying to stop me." harry feels guilty and sends a mental apology to Snape for accusing him of something with no real proof. "Now, I see myself holding the stone but how do I get it?"

"Use the boy." Harry looks around startled by a third croaky voice.

"Come here, Potter!" Harry walks over and looks in the mirror he saw his parents on Christmas night. He finds his reflection put the stone in his pocket and he feels the weight. "What do you see?"

"Winning house cup..." he sees something completely different. Draco is standing beside his reflection and they are holding hands. Harry grit his teeth looking away. Draco made his choice in ending their friendship over his jealousy.

"He lies. Let me speak to him." Harry walks back to the stairs and narrows his eyes. He takes out the stone and watches Quirrel unwrap his head revealing a face on the back.

"Harry potter, we finally meet." The head looks at the stone and a smile stretches over his face. "Give me the stone Harry, and you and I can become great wizards. Those who cannot reach ultimate power will never amount to anything. Join me, Harry."

"Never!" Harry screams. Quirrel runs over not happy with the answer and grabs his neck. Harry grunts and weazes. Turning his head he sees the stone out of his reach. Placing his hand on Quirrles face, his skin burns.

"Ah! What is this?" Harry looks at his hands in awe. Determined to end this, he runs over and burns more of the Quirrel till he turns to dust.

"Ah!" Some ghost flies through him knocking him unconscious.

"Harry!" He flinches in his bed after talking to Dumbledore about the implications to why Quirrel turned to dust. He turns to the door slam open and his step mother run in. "Harry, are you alright? i heard what happened. Oh, any broken bones, any cuts?"

"Mom i am fine. Just some dirt and bruises." Harry smiles at Hazel fussing over him.

"Thank Merlin you are alright. I was so worried. What do you think you were doing?"

"Sorry mom." Harry hangs his head knowing if he were to explain Hazel will blow in a bigger panic than she already is.

"At least you are alright." The woman in a red dress and hair in a ponytail stands and turns sharply to Albus. "A private word, ALbus."

Harry gulps in fear at the sharp tone. He does not know what the headmaster has done to receive his mothers rath but he is glad it is not him. The headmaster walks behind a curtain with the angry witch.

"Just what the hell did you think of letting Harry go down to get the stone? He could have been killed!" Albus flinches and is glad the curtain allows them to scream with a silence spell.

"It was Voldemort on the back of Quirrels head. I did not-"

"You should have known. You are the bloody headmaster of this school and Harry is among the students. He is a child!"

"Hazel, he is not your son."

"He is my son. Or at least my stepson. Petunia handed the boy to me because she did not want him. I took him in and I gladly will do it a thousand times. How dare you lie to me, Albus! You said it straight to my face he was being taken care of by a magical family. The Dursleys are not MAGICAL!" the old wizard flinches as the worried witch screams at him. He may have made a big mistake in lying to her. 

"I am sorry. I believed he would be safer with his muggle family. I lied to keep Tom off his radar." the glowing red eyes make Albus take a step back against the wall.

"If a single hair on his head gets harmed once more, you will wish you hadn't lied to me Albus." the threat weighs down on his shoulders and head as she turns on her heel heading out from their hidden spot.

"Harry, I must return to work but I will come and get you at the station. Be good and no more adventures alright?" Hazel lifts Harry's face up with her hand smiling kindly.

"Promise." Harry receives a kiss on the forehead before watching the witch walk out of the hospital wing.

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