story 2 - ILL!

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[INSPIRED BY Oxxxiem !]


My eyes shut almost as soon as I first opened them, as I am swiftly overtaken with stinging pain behind my eyes, and a pounding headache.
How great, I think to myself as I sigh deeply. Fallen angels don't get sick very often - a trait of angels - but when we do, it's a horrible sickness that lasts for days on end. No medicine is able to cure it, although the symptoms suggest it's just an extreme cold. I haven't had one for about 2 years, so unfortunately, none of the Team will know what to do. I guess I'll just have to try ignoring it..
I try to sit up, but my vision blurs and I swiftly lie back down. Nevermind then-
I move my trembling hand (it's awfully cold) over to my nightstand to grab my phone. Before I turn it on, however, I move my finger across the side of the object, to turn the brightness down before I blind myself.

pumpkin 🔥


Good morning! What's up?


U okay?

no. come to my room pls


I turn my phone on standby and close my eyes, resting my arm across my forehead to block out the sun. The blinds should be shut right now, but I must've forgot last night before going to sleep around 5am. Damn my sleep schedule.
My door creaks open and I open my eyes once more, but I don't sit up, considering my failure last time.
"Good? What's wro-.. oh!"
He rushes over to my side and I watch him come over, unable to speak from the stabbing pain in my throat.
"I thought you couldn't get sick, silly!" He chuckles, probably trying to lighten the mood. It doesn't work, and it shows.
"Okay uhh.. do you want a drink?"
I nod quickly, eager to get rid of this sore throat I've been inflicted with.
He softly laughs at me and I try to smile, but my face hurts too much so I just kind of grimace at him, and he laughs more as he leaves to go to the bathroom.
"39°C? You definitely have a fever."
I groan at him and cover my face. "That's so hiiigh Jeffff" I croak at him, my voice hoarse and sore, but atleast I can speak now.
"It's just a mild fever, silly. If anything, it'll be good for your immune system!"
"I'll have you know my immune system is perfectly fine." I reply, although my sentence is broken with choking and swallows.
"Good you sound terrible, you should get some rest!" I groan again and shake my head, "How many hours did you get last night?"
"I don't know.. 5 hours?"
"Good. What happened to fixing your sleep schedule?"
"I'm trying!!" I splutter, causing myself to choke again.
"Alright enough of this, you better lie down mister." He puts his hands on his hips, and as much I want to continue this battle, I know I'm going to lose my voice soon, so I do as I'm told.
I lie down and close my eyes, and although I have a fever, I feel so cold at the same time, so I'm not very comfortable.
"Jef I'm cooooold!"
"I doubt that's true." He laughs at me, his voice distant. I open my eyes slightly to see that he's looking at my sketchbook I left open last night. I stare at his hands, as I know what drawing is on the previous page. I wish I could stop him, but my voice leaves me as he flicks the page and pauses.
"You.. drew me?"
I don't respond.
He continues to flick through the pages, where drawings of the rest of the Team are scattered in biro or pencil, but the drawings of Jef have the most detail and colour.

He starts to turn towards me so I shut my eyes, hoping I can fool him, but it mustn't work as I hear his footsteps advance (much to my agony; my head still aches) and his knees cracking as he bends down.
"You can't trick me, Goodboyhalo."
A shiver runs down my neck, and I don't know if I'm still cold, or if it's because of his words, but I'm forced to open one of my eyes anyways.

I think the drawings look great, you dummy!"
"Mmmmm" I groan at him and cover my face with my hands. I realise I've probably done that several times today, but I'm not in the mood to care.
He takes my hand from my face and places it in his (SO WARM WTF), and I can tell he's startled by my lack of heat as he says, "Wow, for someone with a fever your hands are freezing."
"I did tell you, but I'm cold everywhere" I sign to him, given my voice has left me.
"Everywhere?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I can't help but smile, no matter the pain it brings me.
He laughs and stands up, and before I can object, he climbs into my bed and lays down beside me.
"Want me to warm you up?"
This sentence is hella ironic, considering I'm normally boiling and he's normally freezing, but I nod and laugh (OW) as his arms wrap around my waist and his head leans on my chest.
"I don't want you getting sick too Jef." I sign to him, although I'll reluctantly admit that I do appreciate what he's doing.
He doesn't respond, and instead holds me tighter, so I give up. He's warm anyways.
I move my arms slightly so one is around the back of his neck and I'm holding one of his hands with the other. And before I know it, I close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep.

"I love you, dummy"

WORD COUNT: 942 :)

JEFHALO ONESHOTS <33Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя