story 1 - human form

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TW'S: censored swearing :)


"GOOD!" I'm suddenly snapped out of my head at this shout, and my wings immediately stretch out as I'm startled by the loud yell.
I turn and face towards the perpetrators voice, and find Jef walking towards me from between the trees of my favourite forest. I only come here when I want peace, so I'm already p1ssed off upon seeing him approach me. Normally, I'd be quite joyous to see him, he is my best friend after all, but I can't help but be annoyed at his presence when I yearn to be alone.
"What the fck do you want now?" I hiss at him, baring my sharp teeth as a warning that I'm not in a good mood today (ironic, I know).
Jef has already tried to start around 10 conversations with me today, and it's only 12pm. That's why I'm here anyways, to get away from people, from humanity really.
"Why are you so mad? I'm only trying to talk to you.." He starts, seemingly upset at my uprisal. I don't exactly care though, just as I normally don't when running on 2 hours of sleep.
"Whatever, why do you want to talk to me?" I snap at him; kindness doesn't suit me.
"Well I was reading last night-"
"I didn't know you could read, pumpkin~" I taunt him, smally smiling at his annoyance. Instead of returning a retort, however, he just stares at me before continuing;
"I was reading about magical beings, and came across the section on angels and demons.."
"If you're gonna ask me about them, need I remind you that I don't fcking remember anything about hell nor heaven, only that I was fcking banished from the latter?" I wish this was true, but it's the only story I could think of on the spot when the Team was interrogating me about it, and I'd rather not reminisce about such bad memories.
"No no, it's nothing like that! Anyways, it also mentioned fallen angels-"
"The fck?!" I'm actually taken aback from this, as normally books such as the one he's talking about seem to ignore the existence of my kind, as they're typically considered even worse disgraces than demons.
"Yeah! And I read about the traits you keep from being an angel, and receive from becoming a demon, or something, and it said that some keep the ability to shape-shift into a human form?"
"Uhh.. yeah? What about it, fckface?"
"Well, do you have a human form?"
"I- uhh" I look away from his eyes, it's so hard to lie to such a pretty face as his...huh?
I half choke at my thoughts, and I'm suddenly thankful that he doesn't have my sh1tty power of mind-reading.
I look back at his chocolate brown eyes, and find him grinning at me.
"You do!! You do have a human form, don't you?!" He jumps up and down in excitement, still not reaching my height, much to my amusement.
"..So what if I do?" I can't really deny it at this point, so I might as well give in.
"CAN YOU SHOW ME??" He asks, shaking his hands now as he continues to jump up and down. So fcking adorable.
"No," I return, ruining his excitement and he now frowns. Jef doesn't give up however, as he continues, "Pleeeeeeease?"
"No. Stop asking"
"I won't be your best friend anymore!"


I use this 'threat' as a last resort, knowing he probably won't cave in, he never does, but I can't stop the disappointment seeping in; I really wanted to see his human form.
However, instead of saying no again, he just stares at me, as if he's trying to read my expression. Does he actually believe me? Although I feel bad, I continue,
"Yup, I'll never speak to you ever again! I'll even delete your phone number, and move out!"
He stares at me more. Half-squinting, brows furrowed, slowly frowning.
Good then mumbles something under his breath.
"You'll have to speak louder, Good!"
"Ugh! Fine!"
"Wait.. seriously?!"
"Yeah yeah whatever, as long as you don't tell ANYONE about it.. and you're not allowed to make fun of me either."
"Make fun of you? I'm not you silly, I'm not gonna make fun of you!"
He glares at me and I just smile 'naïvely'.
"Alright, ignoring what you just said, you might wanna close your eyes"
"Wait wh-" and before I can complete my sentence, he starts..glowing? Before my eyes glue themselves shut at the sudden bright light, he shrinks by a few inches (although he stays taller than me, gosh darnit!), and the shape of his long horns and swishing tail fade away.
After a few moments, I hear him say, "Holy sh1t, I forgot how it feels to have no fcking magic!"
"C-can I open my eyes?"
"Uhh, sure I guess"
As I open my eyes, I'm shocked to see to see that he looks nothing like what I imagined. Firstly, I notice that his skin has lost its thin layer of fur, and is now incredibly pale, rather than plain white. His hair is also light brown, and extremely fluffy (much to my delight) but at the front, there's white streaks, possibly symbolic of his pure white hair in his regular form? To add to this, his left eye is a light, grey-ish blue whereas his left eye is still a void of pitch black, and the skin around it remains like his former form (haha, get it?); white but lacking the furry texture. In a way, it sort of looks like paint. Not surprisingly, he has a septum piercing in his small nose, and his lobes and cartilage pierced in his ears. Emo, I think to myself and smile. Regarding his clothes, he is wearing a plain black t-shirt with a cyan jacket over the top, although it hardly fits him. He is wearing grey, ripped jeans too, but the rips don't appear to be intentional. He has a black and red bracelet on one hand, and a few black rings scattered on his fingers. To top it all off, he has a silver chain necklace on, with a charm dangling from it in the shape of a D.
"Are you done staring?" He asks, and I return my gaze to his eyes. I didn't even realise I was staring!
"Oh sorry, I just didn't expect you to look so.."
"So what?" He asks swiftly, clearly nervous. I honestly feel bad for him. If he has no magic in this form, his paranoia is probably through the forrest roof and he must feel so vulnerable.
"So emo?" I chuckle slightly and gesture to his clothes. Appearing to be unaware of his outfit, he looks down and scoffs.
"Holy sh1t, I forgot I dressed like this when I was 16-"
"What?? You haven't been in your human form for like, 7 years?"
"What the fck? Jef I'm not that old," He rolls his eyes at me.
"Huh? But I thought you turned 23 this year?" I ask, very confused.
Suddenly he freezes and curses under his breath.
"Uhh.. umm- surprise?"
"Good.. you lied to me?"


Sh1t. This is not how I was planning on telling him.
"Jef I'm sorry-"
"How old are you really?"
"How. Old. Are. You." He seems angry, not upset, and I'm instantly filled with guilt and anxiety.
"WHAT?! 19?!!"
"Please don't be mad! I didn't mean to lie! It's just.. we met like 2 years ago and you guys seemed so cool, I didn't want yous to know that I was just a dumb 17 year old.."
"So..I'm 2 years older than you..?"
He suddenly squeals, and now I'm overtaken by confusion.
"YOURE A CHILD!" He points at me and smiles.
"YOURE A CHILD!" He repeats, before swiftly coming over and squeezing me. I didn't realise how cold I was until I felt his warmth, but instinctively I put my hands up and try to use magic to push him back, before remembering I have no useable magic in this form.
"Aww, you're just a little wittle baaaaby!"
"Shut the fck up Jef."
"What did the babba say? Speak for big old Jeffy!!"
"Shut up!!" I laugh at him. Despite my embarrassment, I'm really just glad that he doesn't seem to be mad any more.
We laugh together for a while, before his eyes meet mine. We stay like that for a moment, staring into each others eyes, and his arms wrapped around my waist.
He slowly leans up towards my face, and I dont stop him. Instead, I find myself closing my eyes as his lips touch mine.

Word Count - 1472 :0

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