"How about something warm? It will help you sleep."

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It couldn't be any earlier than three, yet Wednesday hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. Yes, she had tired, closed her eyes, counted murderers, hummed hims. Nothing was working. Instead, she was stuck counting the due drops that would build around the window, waiting to hear the patter of her girlfriend's feet outside the door that would tell her she had returned from the cages, watching as the full moon dimed. 

Finally, she heard steps outside her door, the click of a lock and the smell of her girlfriend's perfume mixed with the soap from the showers by the cages. She was clearly trying to be silent, even if the next day was the weekend, not wanting to wake up on Wednesday.

Wednesday knew Enid would get some clothes on before coming to give her a kiss on the forehead like she did every time when she returned, so she just watched as Enid finished drying herself off with the towel and put on some sleeping shorts. It took her a good few minutes of Wednesday being impatient to find her shirt, but then she turned around and walked over to Wednesday's bed.

Wednesday closed her eyes and waited for the kiss to come, but it never did. "I know you are up love." Darn.

"I was waiting for you."

Enid sat next to Wednesday and sighed, resting her hand on her girlfriend's thigh. "Your covers are twisted into a corkscrew. You couldn't sleep, you little liar."

"I admit, my brain failed to settle and I was plagued with unwanted thoughts."

Enid laughed and brushed some louse hair out of her face. "How about something warm? It will help you sleep."

"Like what?" Wednesday pulled the squishmellow that Enid had gotten her for her birthday to her chest.


Wednesday rolled her eyes. "I don't like snuggling, you know that, your kisses are painful enough."

"You love my kisses."

"I love pain."

Enid pulled the blankets from between Wednesday's legs and lay beside her, pulling the thin quilt over them again. Wednesday would never admit it, but that was one of the best sleep she had in a while.

A/N Okay here is the question. 

Shorter story but after the update:

Longer story, better wording, but slower update:

You fell first, I fell harder //Wenclair one-shots//Where stories live. Discover now