Chapter 14 : Sympathy and Sincerity

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"It took me half an hour this morning to put in on Duff. I'm glad it actually fit on his tail. Boros made an extremely matching size for us both," Kuro explained. With a proud grin, he showed us a smaller but identical one on his wrist. "Why do you sound like you're gonna die or something?"

"Hey! Are you jinxing us or something? It's just a regular accessory!" Kuro yelled while I fought to hide a snicker. "It's fine, Randy! I have one in my mane, too! Even though it's hard to see, it's still in there!" I said with a smile and showed him my fur pin. "Ugh...let's go then,"

"Psst...chief!" Kuro bent toward my ear as Duff and Randy went ahead. "Psst...what is it, Kuro?" I whispered. "Psst...I don't have much time to explain, but I have a plan, trust me with it," he whispered. "Hey, what are you two scheming?" Randy called out. "Psst...make it quick, Kuro! What's the prank?" I questioned eagerly. "Psst...your legs will tingle a bit,"

"Huh?" I muttered in confusion as Kuro darted back to join the boys. "Thanks, chief! Thanks for the help! Appreciate it!" he made me more confused as we went on. I then shrugged and decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and believe in his plan. "Blossom, hurry up!" "Coming!"

Urias, Esmeralda, and Ivy were already waiting for us at the town square while a few other pokemon gathered to watch. As soon as they saw us, Urias and Esmeralda waved. Ivy, on the other paw, looked at the ground, avoiding any eye contact with Duff as a guilty expression lingered on her face. "It's okay, Ivy!"

I rushed toward the three and hugged Ivy's leg, and she forced a smile despite the sad look in her eyes. "Hehe...I hope you have a good time when you're staying here, Duff..." she managed to say, glancing at Duff, who returned it with a sad smile. "I wish you a safe...sniffle...journey!"

"Is everymon ready?" Esmeralda asked, and we all nodded. "Espy, are you ready?" Urias asked and placed the cards into the frame. "Ready when you are, Umbre!" she said with a smile. "Okay, everymon, please back up!" "Thuzzzz..."

Esmerlda's ruby glowed bright red, and Urias' rings gleamed yellow. A red energy enveloped the two as a circle of runes spread out, forming a circular gate around the Entercards. Urias and Esmeralda nodded at each other and looked at us. "See you on the other side!"

With a short sucking sound, the two Researchers disappeared in a beam of light, which looked much more stable than its last appearance. "Promise me you'll be careful out there, everymon!" Duff shouted as we stepped into the circle. "When you come back, tell me all about it!"

"Damn...I was supposed to bid farewell to you with a smile...why am I crying?" Duff's voice cracked with a sniffle, and tears ebbed out his eye slits as he whimpered. "Duff..." we murmured in dismay. Turning to look at the others, Ivy bit her lips, forcing back some tears while Randy looked at the ground...yet, Kuro was...smiling? "Blossom, like we said!"

"Wha-" I gasped as a numb sensation spread through me. "Wait, Kuro! Why are you wearing Duff's Explorer-" "There's no reason to be sad, Duff! You go to the Great Glacier!"

With a crackle of energy, Kuro glowed bright yellow while a chain of electricity shot at Duff. An electric chain bonded the metal bands on them, then I winced as my paws tingled. With a blinding flash, Kuro and Duff swapped positions, and Duff now had his Explorer pack while Kuro stood where Duff was. "Blossom, it worked, didn't it?"

"You'd better have a fascinating journey that you'll never forget! Have a thrilling adventure, and come back to our Paradise! I want you to burn every sight into your memory and return as the strong pokemon you wished to become! A-and you guys, especially you, Ivy! You better keep an eye on my Duff and make sure he doesn't get into trouble!"



Everything happened in an instant. Duff's desperate shouts and Kuro's breaking voice were the only things we heard before a beam of light consumed us. With a loud bang, everything in front of us became brighter and brighter until we were forced to close our eyes.

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