Chapter 4 : The Glistening Hope

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(Randy's POV)

I walked around at home, then I heard the sound of the door opening. My dad came into my room with a steel bar as I sat there, waiting for my punishment. My dad hit me with the steel bar again and again while I endured it. Suddenly, dad took out a small dumbbell, then he threw it at me.

"Ugh!" I woke up with my paws blocking forming a cross in front of a Rockruff. "Another bad dream?" I heard a voice ask. "Yeah, Icy...not much" I replied. "Do humans have bad dreams all the time?" she asked. "Huh? What do you mean by that?" I asked. "The other human we knew had quite a few dreams during her sleep, and they turned out to be very important" she replied. 

"Well...the dreams I have are absolute crap about my human life, no need to talk about them or stuff like that" I grumbled. "Randy, you can tell us about it if you want," Icy said with a smile. "Okay, thanks but no need to do that," I said as I got off the bed, I let out a snicker when I saw the words on Icy's pajamas while passing by her.

"Say...have you seen Blossom?" Icy asked. " We brought her back after she passed out from exhaustion at Desolate Canyon, didn't we?" I replied. "I may have an idea of where she is, let me go and check," Icy said and headed towards the bathroom.

"Blossom, did you fall asleep in the bathtub again?" she called out. "Wait, that happens to pokemon?" I asked. "Happens to Blossom...a lot, let me go in and check" Icy replied and opened the door. "She's...not in here?" Icy muttered from inside. "Where could she be? She's always here in the morning" I thought to myself as I went to pack up.

I padded towards the box Boros gave me for free, which I put my stuff in. "Strange...why are all of my stuff and my backpack scattered on the ground," I thought to myself as I looked at it. I padded closer, then I heard some sounds. "Meow...meeew...meow..." came from the box. "Uhh...Icy, I think found her" I shouted as I opened the lid of the box.

Blossom was sleeping in the box while the two of us just stared at her. "She does look a little cute like this" I muttered, then I saw Icy staring at me. "What...? She's cute when she's sleeping, why?" I asked, but she just kept staring at me. I thought for a few seconds, then I found out what she was thinking.

"Hey, it's not the like or love kind of cute, what's your problem?" I asked, I could feel myself blushing a little bit when I said that. "You know...cute is a weird description for a 14-year-old, you like her?" Icy asked. "No...or yes I mean. As a crush, no. As a friend, yes" I replied. "Maybe I was just overthinking stuff, how is it possible for a human and a pokemon to fall in love with each other in such a short time?" I heard Icy mutter.

"Oh hey, morning Randy!" Blossom's voice came from the box. "Blossom...what were you doing in my box?" I asked. "Oh sorry...I didn't know it was yours, it just looked comfy so I decided to sleep in it" she replied with a grin. "Which one feels better? The box or the bed?" Icy asked. "I love both!" Blossom exclaimed. " can have both, let's pack up," I said and headed to organize my stuff. "Yay! Thanks, Randy!"

"Ok...I'm all set" I said as I grabbed the last item. "Wait...that's..." Icy muttered while my two friends stared at the small ball in my paw. "What? It's just a ball of yarn" I asked and held it in front of them.

"YARN!" both of them exclaimed and snatched the ball out of my paws. "Hey!" I shouted, but they didn't hear me because they were too busy fighting over the ball. "It's mine! I saw it first!" Icy yelled and held tightly onto it. "No, it's mine! I got it first!" Blossom exclaimed and didn't let go. I let out a sigh as I went to the bathroom and got changed.

"So...who won?" I asked when I came out, then I saw the two of them tangled up with each other. "Randy, we need a little help here" Icy called out. "Nah, it's probably going to be interesting if we stick together for one day," Blossom said with a grin. "You can figure that out by yourselves, I'm not that well with touching girls," I said to them, then something caught my eye.

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