Chapter 1: Only That Person

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The above was what the people at the Science and Technology Institute told me.

This was an innovative experiment. The omega population was decreasing quickly, and the existence of artificial omega glands was the general trend. I greeted them in advance and got this opportunity at a low price without even letting my family know about it.

I used alpha inhibitors in order for Jungkook to only smell my artificial omega gland. I couldn't smell them myself, and Jungkook later told me it smelled like wine, a scent that tantalizingly intoxicated him.

I felt a little guilty that I had stolen the jacket stained with his alpha scent to fill the gland, just to match his scent.

Jungkook also had boyfriends, all of them omegas, the kind that was beautiful, soft boys. However, I didn't mind.

From the start, I knew that chasing Jungkook was going to take a long time. Perhaps, I may not have ever been successful in this lifetime.

Little did I know that the opportunity would come the year I graduated from high school.

Jungkook was drugged by an omega from a small family at the graduation party. It was a very cheap trick, even cheaper than my stalking.

I was still an alpha after all. I immediately went up to heroically save the day after I saw something in Jungkook's expression. The little omega wanted to resist me at first, so I shamelessly suppressed him with my alpha pheromones.
He ran away in fear.

I helped Jungkook upstairs. I didn't plan to take advantage of the situation, so I just let him rest in his room and went to the bathroom to prepare a washcloth for him.

As I said before, my artificial omega gland was built exclusively to Jungkook's scent.

I hadn't reacted yet when Jungkook pinned me down, and only when I finally saw his crimson eyes did I realize what was wrong, but by then, he had already deadened my resistance - in fact, I hadn't actually resisted much, letting him rampage inside my body.

It was the first time I saw such extreme emotions in...Jungkook.

Although it was only forced by drugs.

It was extremely painful. Alpha wasn't an omega and did not automatically secrete fluids there. Jungkook was completely out of his mind and even less interested in preparation at this point; he bit down heavily on my artificial gland and even formed a knot inside my implanted sexual organ, completely marking me.

I may be dying.

It was so painful, even more, painful than when I was on the operating table.


I knew Jungkook wouldn't be happy when he woke up.

I got together with Jungkook.

After waking up that day, he was really angry. He sneered at me, who was still half-dead in bed, and said, "It was all your idea, wasn't it?"

I couldn't even move my fingers, my whole body felt both hot and cold, and only my brain was still barely functioning.

I thought in a daze, it turned out that... Jungkook could be so mean.

Nevertheless, he was a responsible man.

The imperial law stated that one was responsible for the person they completely marked and formed a knot with. Although it's usually for an omega and a beta, Jungkook also broke up with his little boyfriend at the time to be with me because of this.

No One Saved Me  ||KookV||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ