New Abilities

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A couple days later, Bakugou was still keeping an eye on the girl. She was strange and he wanted to know where she stood against him. He would have been watching her the entire time, but during lunch a spiky red-haired boy sat right in front of him. The boy said his name, but Bakugou didn't care.

"Hey," the boy said, mouth full of something. "I heard we were doing some kind of battle training with All Might after lunch." That got his attention and Bakugou turned to look at the boy. His red hair matched his eyes, but those were round and friendly; calming too. He smiled showing sharp white teeth, yet it wasn't off putting, Without meaning to, Bakugou let go of his scowl.

"That so?" he muttered, though he wasn't looking at the red-haired boy. Something about him made his stomach squirm.

"Yeah! And I hope we get paired together! I saw how you were yesterday and I think it would be awesome to work with you." Bakugou's eyes flew to him. Despite the overly sharp shark-like teeth, his smile brought a warmth to his own cheeks. He muttered his agreement and went back eating. He suddenly lost interest in watching the weird girl.

. . .

"I am here!"

All Might's catchphrase. Sophia never thought she'd hear that in real life. This entire experience was like a dream come true. Though, she would likely have freaked out more if it was Hawks that had been teaching them. He was her favorite, not because of looks, but because of his prowess and personality. Though one hero she had no problem admitting she liked mainly based on looks was Midnight. And she did teach often.

But right now, it was All Might teaching, and he seemed competent enough. Though she could definitely see Aizawa's problem with the guy. When he walked in a room, you noticed. He had muscles for days and such a warm and full presence that made you feel protected. Though, that could just be due to her quirk being able to read emotions. It did help her figure out who sang what part of a song when she activated her quirk. Either way, the dude was cool.

They were able to wear their hero costumes. Sophia's was mainly a navy blue skin tight but breathable polyester, with kevlar in the most sensitive spots, turtleneck suit. Dark maroon stripes down the sides made her seem thinner than she was. She also had a purple utility belt with color coordinated emergency medicine of as many kinds as she could fit. Her boots were knee high and dark black, the bottoms made with a material that would make it easier to move around in any kind of weather. And she put her hair into a ponytail to keep it out of the way.

"I got paired up Deku!" The brown haired girl exclaimed and moving next to Izuku. They had been drawing lots to determine who they would team up with. Without thinking, she glanced at Bakugou, who surprisingly returned it. That weird moment out of the way, the two had another moment when they looked back to Izuku. Sophia ignored it and walked over to them. If she remembered correctly, 'Deku' meant wooden doll or puppet.

"Hey," She said as greeting.

"Hey Sophia," the brown haired girl said cheerfully. "So, who'd you get paired up with?" Sophia blushed in embarassment.

"Oh, uh, no one. Uneven number of people and all."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Izuku said, his head going down a little. Sophia shrugged it off.

"Eh, It's fine. It just means that I go against a team that's already been through it and work with someone that already went through."

"Well, I'll-"

"I can do it, hottie," a voice, a slimy voice said from behind her. And then she felt a small pressure on her backside. On instinct, she turned and kicked so hard, the little man flew across the place. The one she had kicked turned out to be a kid with purple balls for hair and seemed to have stopped growing in third grade.

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