"-shut up," he coughed and took his phone back.


when we finally reached the stadium we got out the coach and walked inside. it was now 10:40 so joão walked inside the changing rooms to change.

i saw georgina with her kids so i went over to them with a smile.

"olá eleanor, how are you?" she said warmly.

"i'm very good, thank you-"

"ellie!" eva said cheerfully as i kneeled down to hug her.

"hello," i smiled.

"eva's been missing you," georgina said. "you and rosia should hang out with us again."

my smile dropped as she said rosia - and she noticed.

"what's wrong? did something happen between you two?" she asked curiously.

"someone faked some screenshots of me talking bad about her, and she believed it. so now she's mad at me." i sighed.

her eyes widened in surprise, "oh gosh. that's terrible. i hope she realises that you wouldn't ever say anything bad about her,"

"thank you," i smiled. "i've got to go now though, so i'll see you soon. bye guys. bye eva." i said, spotting joão walking outside the changing rooms.

i walked away from them with a wave and walked over to joão, he looked very nervous and his hands were shaking.

"joão, don't worry. you'll do just fine." i reassured him and held his hand. he still looked a bit worried so i hugged him, and he hugged me back.

"i love you," i whispered in his ear, "you're gonna do great."

"thank you, el. i love you too," he smiled and pulled away, he kissed me gently before letting me go sit at the bench - but without rosia i was alone - or so i thought.

"hey there." diego lainez smiled, sitting next to me.

"hi." i replied dryly. "what are you doing here?"

"am i not allowed to go to other matches?" he chuckled. "our practice finished early so i thought i'd come see ronaldo play."

"fine. is kevin here?" i asked anxiously.

he shook his head. "nope, but i wanted to talk to you about him-"

i was starting to get frustrated, "what? about why he kissed me, knowing fully well that i had a boyfriend?" i said rudely.

"i'm not involved in anything kevin did so don't take your anger out on me." diego said and crossed his arms.

"i'm sorry." i apologised. "carry on."

"thank you. i was just going to ask if you wanted to talk because i need to tell you something very important." he said, and pulled out his phone. he searched up something on it and passed it to me.

"famous portuguese football player, joão felix's girlfriend caught cheating with mexican player, kevin álvarez."

attached: 1 image.

my heart dropped as i looked at the image; and sure enough it was a picture of him kissing me at the gallery. the website this was posted on was very famous, and people were already starting to make remarks.

'i could definitely treat joão better'

'this girl had the AUDACITY to cheat on my husband??? wtff'

'tbh i can't blame her, kevin's hot'

'girl couldn't get enough of two hot guys'

'kys eleanor silva'

'i told him that she wasn't good for him'

'i kinda liked her.. disappointed..'

"oh my god!" i panicked and put my hand on my mouth. i handed diego his phone back as he nodded. "what do i do??"

"i can't tell you everything right now because the games about to start, but if you meet me after at the coffee place i'll explain everything, alright?" he said quietly since people were starting to sit down.

"fine." i agreed. "i'll be there."

he nodded and walked away.

great. now i had to explain to joão that i was going for a coffee with diego lainez.

𝗜𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now