"And be known as a loser again. No thanks, Maddy. I'm perfectly comfortable with being a nobody, and staying a nobody," he says stopping by his locker.

She sighs before they walk through the doors to sit under a tree while he eats his lunch. "How are you and Scott doing?" he asks as she take out a book to read.

"We're...just being friends," she sighs opening her book.

"Are you thinking about dating?" he asks looking at her.

She smiles looking at him through her lashes. "Why? You want to ask me out on a date?" she asks with a smile.

He scoffs and looks away from her. "What are you doing after school?" he asks looking up.

"Homework with Stiles," she smiles looking down at her book again.

He stares at her for a few seconds before focusing on his lunch with a little smile on his lips.

After school, Maddy makes her way to the jeep and gets in. Stiles starts the jeep and tries to get out of the parking lot before the craziness starts. Maddy takes out her phone but suddenly shoots forward.

Stiles puts his arm in front of her which she grabs, dropping her phone. "What the..." she starts but stops when she sees Derek in front of the jeep.

"You gotta be kidding me. This guy's everywhere," Stiles says staying in his seat while Maddy starts to get out.

"What the hell?" Scott asks Stiles after running up to the jeep.

Stiles sighs as he starts to get out of the jeep. "Stay," he says to Maddy who looks at him with open mouth before closing her door again.

She stays seated but gets annoyed by the honking of the cars behind them. She starts biting her nails until she's got enough and gets out of the car.

"Maddy?" Stiles asks.

"Stop honking! Before I beat you up!" She yells while Stiles pushes her back in the car.

Scott helps Derek in the car while Stiles jumps in the drivers seat and Maddy climbs into the back.

"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used," Derek says looking at Scott.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Scott asks with a frown.

"She's an argent. She's with them," Derek says making Maddy look at them.

"It's her aunt. She's coming over for unknown time. She's staying in the spare bedroom," Maddy says remembering a conversation she overheard between Allison and Lydia.

"Why should I help you?" Scott asks Derek.

"Because you need me," Derek says making Maddy look him with a shrug.

"Fine. I'll try," Scott sighs while Stiles starts the jeep.

"Hey, get him out of here," Scott says looking at the twins.

"I hate you for this so much," Stiles says before speeding away from the high school.

The drive is mostly quiet except for Maddy's little noises of boredom. "Try not to bleed out in my seats, okay? We're almost there," stiles says after Derek takes off his leather jacket.

"Almost where?" Derek asks weakly while Maddy starts looking for her phone.

"Your house?" Stiles sighs.

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