1.3 pack mentality

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Maddy walks to her locker and opens it. She grabs her books all the while thinking of her dream the night before.

Maddy runs towards Scott before jumping in his arms. "You're okay," she whispers with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I am. And you?" He asks pulling back from the hug with his hand on her belly.

At that moment the dream started getting fuzzy and things turned into the past, but also something that felt and looked real. She woke up completely drenched as the last thing she dreamed was Scott.

He stood in front of her with red eyes, his claws and fangs out. But he had complete control, yet he still looked very angry. Something had pissed him off, and the cut in her lower arm made her think it was her getting hurt. She still wasn't scared, she felt safe and protected.

Maddy keeps her frown on her face as she remembers his red eyes. They looked at her for a second, but for her it was enough, enough to know that he still loved her. That he still needed her, he still wanted her deep within his heart.

Isaac looks at her across the hall and starts walking towards her. But somehow as she closes her locker and turns to walk away, Scott bumps into her hard. She drops all her stuff and swears before bowing to pick up her stuff.

"Hey," Scott smiles looking at her.

"Hey?" She questions his happiness at seeing her.

"You're okay," he states handing her the book back.

"Are you? You're acting weird," she says with a frown while standing up again.

"Yes, I'm fine. Uhm, what class do you have?" He asks changing the subject.

She frowns but opens her mouth to answer. "Attention students, this is your principal. I know your all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our busses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will preside as scheduled. Thank you." It sounds over the intercom.

"Well, we better go to class," she smiles at Scott who nods.

Maddy sits next her brother in silence while Stiles is taking out his stuff. "Maybe it's my blood on the door," Scott says leaning to Stiles.

"What blood? Did you hurt yourself again?" Maddy asks leaning on the table over Stiles.

"Oh my... Scott had a dream last night that he was making out with you in a bus. Then he started to turn and dragged you by the ankles to the back of the bus, where he killed you in a horrible way," Stiles explains like it was nothing.

"You killed me?" Maddy asks Scott.

Scott looks at Stiles angry. "It could be animal blood, you know, maybe you caught a rabbit," Stiles shrugs trying to get away from the topic of Maddy knowing.

Scott's face gets washed with shock as he frowns. "And did what?" he asks.

"Ate it, of course. Much better then eating me," Maddy says looking at her book.

"Raw?" Scott asks disgusted.

Maddy looks shocked at how stupid he is. "No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven," Stiles says with sarcasm draining his voice, "I don't know. You're the one who can't remember anything."

"Yeah, maybe you did kill someone. Who knows. It was probably a rabbit or something. But next time. Just eat Jackson," Maddy says glaring at Jackson who looks up hearing his name.

Scott opens his mouth to say something but mr. Harris interupts him. "Miss. and mr. stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper you might wanna pull the headphones out ones in a while," he says making Maddy roll her eyes and gather her stuff.

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