Chapter 5

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The bright arena sun blinds me. I shield my eyes and look around. There is a forest. Behind me and to my left. There is a lake to my right and I can't see what's behind the cornucopia. I now look at the supplies. There is backpacks, knives and a bow. I found during training that I am best with axes and pretty good with a bow. I prepared to run for the bow but something else caught my eye. There they were. Two axes, side by side, waiting for me. If I could get them I could kill a few tributes, but I can't, I can't go for the axes. There are at least five tributes closer to them than I am. I sigh. I may not be able to find anything like them for the rest of the games. I stare at the bow. Glimmer would want that. I look up at the timer. I have twenty seconds. So I decide on a backpack. Even though it's bright orange, it probably means the difference between life and death. I keep my eyes on the pack. No distractions.
The gong rings out and I fly. The pack is so close. I grab it at the same time someone else. Aspen from District Three. She got an seven in training. I swing at her, trying to get the pack. The longer I'm here, the more the chances of me dying go up. She dodges it, grabbing a knife from the ground and stabbing my thigh. I cry out in pain as she pushes me to the ground. She manages to get on top of me and is trying to stab me. I hold her hands, trying to push up but the knife is so close to my chest. I get an idea. I reposition my hands and now push a different way. Turning the knife so it plunges into her stomach. She gasps and falls to the side. I take the knife and stab her chest. She falls silent. I slowly stand up grabbing the knife and the pack. As I turn to run an arrow flies past my head. I turn around to see Glimmer. She loads another arrow and I turn and sprint for the trees. I hear the sound of an arrow being shot and before I can react I feel it sink into my arm. I trip, falling to the ground. I try to roll away but Glimmer jumps on me. This is it. I am about to die. But Glimmer falls and I see the girl from Twelve, Katniss, running towards me. She grabs my hand and pulls me up. Together we run for the forest. Trees zoom past us as we run. Then she stops. "I'm sorry Nine, but I'm not looking for an ally." I feel my heart drop. "Well, how can I repay you for saving my life?" She thinks. "Give me that arrow from your arm, and one thing from your pack." I nod pulling the arrow from my arm and handing it to her then I unzip my pack. Inside there is a sleeping bag, a wire, a knife, a half fill water bottle, a box of matches, bandages and a pack of protein bars. I look up at her. "What do you want?" She rummages around in her pack before pulling out her water bottle. "Pour the water from yours into mine." She says. I take her bottle and hand her mine. "They're both the same." I say, packing my resources away and standing. She looks at me before saying. "No more owed." I nod and we walk in different directions.
My priority is now water. I need to find a river. I remember that lake from earlier and decide to go there. If I time it right maybe I could get the water and run. I know I can. I head back in the direction of the cornucopia.
When I get to the lake there's no one there. Judging by the sun it looks to be about four in the afternoon. I watch the lake for a while before deciding that it is safe. I'm about to step out of my hiding place when the girl form Eight, Amber, runs out. She reached the lake and suddenly the careers jump out of the bush behind her. She screams upon seeing them. Glimmer loads and arrow pointing at Amber's head. "Give me one reason I shouldn't put this arrow through your head." Glimmer snarled. Amber opens her mouth and closes it. She has no answer to give. But then she blurts. "Nine is my ally!" The careers look taken aback. Only then do I notice Clove. I shouldn't be thinking about her. But I am. She looks beautiful. Lethal, unforgiving, but mostly hot. Cato looks around and he calls out. "Take her, and we'll- wait there she is!" He pointing at me. The careers all look at me and I feel fear so primal I'm sure they can taste it. I turn and run. Flying through the trees. I pull out my knife, sprinting harder then ever before. This is life or death. Run or die. I have to make it. I have to run. And I do. I run. The scenery becomes a blur. I turn left, pushing through some bushes, trying to lose them. But the ground disappears and I fall. Rolling down the hill. I hit the bottom and push my shoe into the dirt and run again. I can no longer hear the sound of the careers behind me. For now, I'm safe. I climb a tree and I watch the sky eventually the national anthem plays and the dead tributes appear one by one. I feel sick when Aspen appears, I killed her. I'm the reason she's up there, in the sky. I'm also the reason Ambers about to die. And the reason Simon and my father are probably sitting in the ugly living room glued to the television, watching me. I close my eyes, praying I won't die and let the sounds of the night ease me into slumber.

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