"No, no, no. Mr. Aizawa, she's the only family I have left. You can't take her away from me."

"That's not what I'm doing. I'm just trying to pick an option that will benefit the both of you. It's not good for either of you to go on living like this. Frankly, I'm surprised you guys were able to make it this long."

Y/N looked at her mother. A lifetime ago, her mother was beautiful. She laughed with a sparkle in her eyes and her hands were warm to the touch. Now, she was but a shell of her past self. Hollowed and dark.

But Y/N loved her. She glared at Aizawa, her jaw set.

Aizawa sighed.

"I thought you were more reasonable than that. Look, L/N. This isn't really a request. I can't have a student who's a minor who just lives God knows where, and someone in need of medical help with her. I'll find the best place for her to go. I promise."

Y/N closed her eyes. She knew he was right. They couldn't go on the way they were. But it was so hard just to leave her mother.

"Would I be able to visit her every day?"

"If you wanted to, yes."

She was quiet for a moment before she opened her eyes.



Mr. Aizawa helped to check in Y/N's mother at a well-known and trusted Psychiatric Hospital. It wasn't too far from U.A., so Y/N could walk to it after school if she wished.

They got her mother checked into room number 316 right away. All three of them walked inside, and Y/N evaluated the space. The room was small and minimalist, but had a window facing the city. It seemed like a space that would keep her mother safe.

Y/N led her to the bed, helping her to sit down. She took both of her hands in her own, and gently tilted her mom's face towards her.

"This is going to be your new home now, Mom. It's a lot cleaner and brighter than our old house. I think you'll like it here."

Her mother said nothing, and continued to stare at her daughter blankly.

"There are nice people here who will take care of you," Y/N continued, her voice starting to break every so slightly. "And um...you won't have to worry about making your own meals. They're also providing you medicine that should be able to help with your schizophrenia symptoms..."

She then drew her mother in for a hug.

"Take care of yourself please...I love you," She said quietly, rubbing her mom on the back.

One nurse came in and Mr. Aizawa stayed in the room to talk to them for a second, but Y/N went outside, because if she stayed any longer, she probably wouldn't be able to leave.

"Ready to go?"

Mr. Aizawa stepped outside after another minute as well.

She nodded.

Mr. Aizawa then escorted Y/N to her house in order to pick up whatever she wanted to bring to her new home.

"Mr. Aizawa, how come you're doing all of this for me? I mean, it's really nice and all...but I feel like I can just do this myself."

"As a teacher, my job is not only to put new information into your brain — it's also to keep you safe. And since you have no legal guardian in your life, it's my duty to step in when you need it. Also, there could be a hoard of villains who have made their home your personal playhouse. I'd be a terrible person if I let a kid walk into that."

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