12: Burn the House Down

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Third Person POV

Mr. Aizawa let everyone have the next two days off from school.This gave the teachers time to look over the requests given to the students by pro heroes, and also for everyone to get some rest, and carry out what they felt they needed to.

For Todoroki, this involved going to visit his mother at the hospital for the first time.

For Iida, it meant going to see his brother, Tensei, who had been severely injured.

For Bakugo, it meant sleep.

And for Y/N, it meant figuring out what steps to take next with her parents.

After the Sports Festival had ended, she found Mr. Aizawa and asked him what she should do next.

"Mr. Aizawa, I'm really sorry to bother you. But I have some things I'd like to ask."

The teacher's eyes flickered over to the hunched figure next to Y/N, who was muttering to herself.

"Y/N. Who is that. Why did you bring a stranger onto the premises?"

"Please sir...It's my mother. Let me explain..."

After the girl had told her teacher about her mom's condition, how she had been living, and the attack on her house, he said nothing for a good minute.

"You've been living with just your mother since you were little?" He spoke finally.


"And she's been in this condition for the past couple years?"


How did you manage? You're only a kid, after all."

"I learned." Y/N said simply.

"And you have nowhere to go? No relatives?"

"My grandparents were never mentioned to me, and neither of my parents have any siblings. I'm on my own."

Aizawa felt sadness for the girl. She always seemed so lively, and was well-liked by all her peers. To think she had been dealing with all this the whole time...

"Well, you're right not to go back to that house. It's too dangerous. But I do have a preposition for you."

Y/N noticed his tone was different than how it usually sounded. She sensed something coming from him that she had never felt before...Kindness?

"If you don't know this already, U.A. Teachers love on campus. We have a separate building that's not too far from the school. We've never let a student live there before, but I'm sure the principal could make an exception in your case."

Y/N was taken aback by the offer.

"Wow, really? Mr. Aizawa, thank you so much. I'm sure my mom completely happy with that—"

"About that." Aizawa cut in.

Y/N paused.

"The fact that you are still a minor, and attend a rigorous school like U.A. with a mix of school and hero work, I don't think I can allow you to be the sole person to look after your mother."


"So therefore I think it would be the best option to move your mother to a facility where she could be taken care of."

It took a moment for his words to register in Y/N's head.

"Wait, wait, wait. Away from me? To a facility?"

"Yes. Like I said, it's the best option."

Y/N backed up a step, her grip tightening on her mother's arm. She shook her head back and forth slowly.

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